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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies provides CMM inspection programming with continued support to help clients perform their own in-house dimensional inspections.

CMM Inspection Programming Services

CMM programming yields measurement routines for CMMs (coordinate measuring machines) to inspect parts for quality assurance, reverse engineering, and several other applications. CMM programming is tailored to client-provided specifications to meet the precise needs of a client based on the geometry of the part or component that will be tested. CMM inspection programming is an essential part of the manufacturing process and helps to ensure that equipment and components fall within tolerances and adhere to quality standards. CMM programming allows highly accurate, cost-effective inspections, helping to increase productivity without sacrificing quality standards. CMM inspections also allow the precise measurement of parts with complex dimensions, geometries, and surfaces. CMM programming is highly versatile and efficient.

Dimensional Inspections at ATS

The ATS Dimensional Inspections and CMM Programming Laboratory features highly advanced equipment, including the Zeiss Metrotom 1500, FARO Quantum Max, and North Star x5000. These CMMs allow us to perform accurate, efficient dimensional inspections for clients working in a multitude of industries. The Zeiss Metrotom 1500 provides precise CT scans through the use of radiography. The FARO Quantum Max features three LLPs and boasts an impressive range of capabilities. The North Star x5000 allows our CMM experts to scan large subjects with complex structures and components.

Additional Services

In addition to CMM inspection programming, ATS offers dimensional inspection services such as:

ATSโ€™ dimensional inspection experts offer comprehensive on-site CMM training courses to teach client personnel how to perform various types of CMM services. Applied Technical Services is also an authorized FARO reseller and provides long-term support for these purchases.

Applied Technical Services

With an exceptional reputation and longstanding commitment to customer satisfaction, Applied Technical Services is the regionโ€™s premier CMM inspection programming service provider. Our dimensional inspection experts work diligently to provide excellent, accessible support with all services. With over 55 years of business experience, ATS is among the leading names in TICC (testing, inspection, certification, and compliance) in the United States. Get in touch with us today by submitting a webform on this page or calling 1 (888) 287-5227.

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