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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies provides CMM laser scanning programming with continuous support to help ensure future sustainability and client success.

CMM Laser Scanning Programming Services

CMM laser scanning utilizes advanced laser technology to perform part and component measuring with a coordinate measuring machine (CMM). The CMM scans an objectโ€™s surface using a laser, generating a point cloud that is then used to create a precise 3D model of the component. CMM laser scan programming creates measurement routines that allow the inspection, reverse engineering, and analysis of a subject. These routines are specific to a part or type of part and are tailored to the specifications provided by clients. CMM laser scanning is highly versatile, cost-effective, and time-efficient, boosting productivity and helping to reduce costs. CMM inspections are a critical part of the manufacturing process, ensuring compliance with applicable quality standards and regulatory guidelines.

Dimensional Inspections at ATS

Our CMM Programming and Dimensional Inspection Lab houses state-of-the-art equipment and is staffed by some of the nationโ€™s most experienced experts. ATS utilizes the North Star x5000, FARO Quantum Max, and Zeiss Metrotom 1500 to perform efficient, accurate dimensional inspections.

Additional CMM Services

In addition to CMM laser scanning programming, Applied Technical Services offers a wide range of relevant services:

Applied Technical Services is an authorized FARO reseller and provides on-site CMM training programs to teach client personnel how to perform various types of CMM services.

Applied Technical Services

Founded in 1967, Applied Technical Services has developed a reputation as one of the countryโ€™s most well-established testing, inspection, certification, and compliance (TICC) providers. Between our exceptional reputation, 55 years of business experience, and longstanding commitment to service quality, ATS offers unparalleled customer satisfaction and dependability. Trust the proven CMM programming experts at ATS and contact us today by submitting a webform on this page or calling 1 (888) 287-5227.

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