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Applied Technical Servicesโ€™ nondestructive testing department performs aircraft window inspection services. Our NDT experts can determine whether an aircraft shows signs of damage or irregularities in its windshield and cabin windows. If damage is present, we can recommend a strategy for repair or replacement. Thorough window inspections are essential for maintaining safety and functionality for all types of aircraft.

Why Windows?

Most aircraft windows are not glass. Instead, they are made of a stretched acrylic that is as transparent as glass but tougher, shatter-proof, and more cost-effective. These acrylic windows are also a primary component of the aircraftโ€™s structure, carrying the same load as the fuselage. Their role towards the aircraftโ€™s structural integrity make windows an important aircraft component to inspect. If one window shows signs of deterioration or damage, the other windows on the aircraft could likely show similar flaws.In some cases, acrylic window thickness testing might be necessary to verify the integrity of the window. During an aircraft window inspection, we use ultrasonic testing to measure window thickness without having to remove or alter the window.

Windshield Inspections โ€“ Optical Prism

The windshield is the largest area of non-reinforced structure on an aircraft, so it is important to verify that it maintains manufacturer specifications. This prominent front cabin window endures extreme thermal, aerodynamic, and mechanical stresses with repeated pressurization cycles. Consequently, a main weak spot for windshields is the bolt holes that line the edge of the acrylic โ€“ which may show cracks or breaks over time. Our NDT technicians use an optical prism to bend the light and reveal such defects around the bolt holes that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Types of Aircraft Window Damage

  • Scratches
  • Gouges
  • Cracks
  • Chips
  • Shelling
  • Scaling
  • Debonding
  • Delamination
  • Sealant Damage
  • Ply Separation

ATS and Aircraft Window Inspections

Applied Technical Services has longstanding experience in aviation NDT โ€“ performing inspections and testing for an extensive list of diverse clients using a range of proven methods. We also have an FAA Repair Station Certification for performing inspections.Our expert technicians can verify whether your aircraft windows have defects or damage that could potentially develop into larger problems in the future. At ATS, we make sure our services align with our core principles of quality services, quick turnaround times, and helpful customer service. If you need an aircraft window inspection, we can tailor our services to your specific need. ATS โ€“ We take a closer look!

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