Applied Technical Services is a leader among NDE Companies. Our experts perform a variety of nondestructive examinations. All examinations are provided by highly trained technicians who are certified to SNT-TC-1A, NAS410, and CP189. ATS has the capabilities to travel nationally and internationally to perform NDE services on a wide variety of structures and materials.
Popular NDE Applications
- Tank Inspections
- Crane Hooks
- Bridge Inspections
- Weld Inspections
- Concrete Testing / Coring
- Ship Hull Inspections
- Stud Inspections
- Deck Inspections
- Bolt Torque
- Pressure Vessel Inspections
- Tubing Inspections
- Aircraft Inspections
- Off-Shore Structures
- Pipelines
- Ground Penetrating Radar
NDE Inspection Methods
- Liquid Penetrant – PT
- Magnetic Particle – MT
- Ultrasonic Testing – UT
- Ultrasonic Thickness Testing – UTT
- Eddy Current – ET
- Phased Array- PAUT
- Visual Testing
- Industrial Radiography- RT
- Digital Radiography – DR
- Computed Radiography – CR
- Computed Tomography – CT
Commercial Construction Services
Concrete Radiography: This service is capable of identifying post tension cables, rebar and conduit in concrete structures up to 24” thick. Radiographs are reliable and obstructions are located with 100% accuracy.
Computed and Digital Radiography: With computed and digital radiography, we can obtain precise imaging when inspecting materials, components and structures. This technology allows the capability to select and enhance areas of interest and the convenience of electronic file sharing.
ATS commonly performs CR and DR on:
- Welds
- Pipelines
- Assemblies
- Circuitry
- Electronics
- Plastics
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR): With radar technology, ATS has the capability to locate post-tension cables and rebar within concrete. This is possible in concrete up to 32” thick.
GPR technology is capable of:
- Revealing the depth of concrete up to 18”
- Eliminating the need for radiation barriers
- Scanning block walls and concrete structure to ensure proper placement of rebar
For formal reports and archiving, 3-d computer imaging is available.
NDE of Weldments
ATS also performs weld inspections. We can provide these inspections to various required customer specifications.
We often inspect welds using:
- Radiography – RT
- Ultrasound – UT
- Magnetic Particle – MT
- Liquid Penetrant _ PT
- Visual Testing – VT
Industries We Regularly Serve
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Construction
- Fabrication Shops
- Infrastructure
- Maritime / Shipyard
- Manufacturing
- Military
- Nuclear
- Foundries
- Pipelines
- Power Generation
- Petrochemical
- Welding Fabrication
NDE Training
ATS provides NDE training for personnel interested in starting, continuing, or furthering their career as a certified NDE technician.
Training Classes
- Aircraft Wheel Inspections (ET)
- Eddy Current (ET) – Levels I & II
- Film Interpretation (RT)
- Introduction to Nondestructive Testing
- IRRSP Refresher
- Level III Refresher
- Liquid Penetrant (PT) – Level I & II
- Magnetic Particle (MT) – Levels I & II
- Radiography (RT) – Levels I & II
- Radiation Safety
- Ultrasonic (UT) – Levels I & II
- Ultrasonic Thickness Testing (UTT)
- Visual Training (VT) – Levels I & II
- CR and DR Transition ( RT)
Training Locations
- Marietta, GA
- Jacksonville, FL
- Greenville, SC