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Applied Technical Services helps clients find and address valve leaks in machinery and piping systems with ultrasonic valve leak detection.

Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic valve leak detection is an effective, cost-efficient method to find leaks through ultrasonic listening, pinpointing the source location of high-frequency sound waves generated by turbulent flow. When a valve leaks, the gas or liquid escaping through the leak creates sound waves inaudible to human hearing. Our ultrasonic testing experts employ the use of ultrasonic sensors that are highly sensitive to high-frequency sound waves and capable of picking up ultrasonic emissions even in high-volume environments. These ultrasonic waves are then converted into audible sounds, at which point ATS’ technicians conduct an ultrasonic sound wave analysis. This analysis then guides an ultrasonic inspection that consists of scanning the valve with an ultrasonic detector to identify the precise location of the leak. Our reliability engineers then provide a recommended course of action to address the leak and any other relevant issues.

Ultrasonic Detection Services at ATS

Ultrasonic valve leak detection is a nondestructive testing method that can be conducted while machinery is in use, allowing for data collection and analysis without the need for service interruptions. Ultrasonic detectors and sensors are highly sensitive and versatile, with the ability to detect minute gas and liquid valve leaks that could be undetectable by other inspection methods. Ultrasonic valve leak detection is quick, efficient, and cost-effective, requiring a short inspection with immediate results that can help avoid equipment and machinery malfunctions and even catastrophic failure. ATS commonly provides ultrasonic leak detection services for clients working in industries including:

  • Petrochemical
  • Manufacturing
  • Power Generation
  • Oil and Gas

The Ultrasonic Testing and Inspection Experts at Applied Technical Services

The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies proudly serves some of the most well-established, prestigious businesses, companies, and corporations in the United States with calibrations, nondestructive testing, tensile and fatigue testing, chemical analysis, reliability testing, vibration testing, environmental testing, engineering, rope access training, mechanical integrity training, nondestructive testing training, forensic investigation services, and consulting services. With decades of experience, state-of-the-art laboratories, and industry-leading chemists, technicians, and engineers, ATS provides complete testing solutions to help your business maintain compliance and streamlined operations. Call us today at 1 (888) 287-5227 or submit a request form on this page for more information, a free quote, or ultrasonic valve leak detection scheduling.

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