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The ATS (Applied Technical Services) Family of Companies offers a wide range of medical device testing services. The testing process helps validate medical device performance, functionality, and interoperability. Furthermore, it identifies if a medical device fulfills its predetermined requirements and shows the safety measurements for a device during the design and developmental stages.

The Importance of Medical Devices

Medical device testing companies actively stop the spread of infectious illnesses and diseases by performing proper test procedures on medical equipment to verify quality and functionality. When paired with proper medication and treatment, medical equipment assists in treating humans for serious diseases, injuries, and health conditions. As these are life-saving devices, it is vital to validate their quality before putting them on the market.

Medical Device Testing We Offer

  • Fatigue testing applies a cyclic load to a test specimen in order to understand how it performs under real-life conditions. This type of testing determines the sample’s fatigue life, identifies critical fatigue locations, and shows the sample’s level of susceptibility to fatigue.
  • Tensile testing occurs when controlled tension is put on a sample, stretching the specimen to its breaking point. This test produces information about a metallic or composite material’s yield, tensile strength, and ductility.
  • Shear testing forces one surface of a sample to move in a specific direction while the other moves in the opposite direction, creating a sliding motion. This test calculates shear strength, a critical factor for components such as fasteners.
  • Torsion testing happens by twisting or shear loading a sample along a set point. This test helps manufacturers compile data such as maximum torque, shear stress, and torsional shear modulus. It also locates the material’s breaking angle.
  • Lot verification testing confirms that each lot of product meets the minimum quality and safety criteria before release.
  • Wear and simulation testing simulates processes that occur in service environments to determine whether a device performs its function correctly. This testing method reveals the amount of wear a medical device can take to predict its usability in the medical field.
  • Instrument and life cycle testing applies mechanical procedures to a unit in a controlled environment over a specific course of time. The unit will show breaking points, functionality failures, and wear locations.
  • Non-standard testing ranges from advanced designs to novel materials. It can be anything that does not possess a specific testing standard.
  • Axial compression testing compresses the specimen with force. It replicates the stresses materials will eventually encounter to determine the local mechanical properties within the critical size defect.

Dedicated Screw Testing

  • Driving torque testing calculates the amount of force a screw needs in order to drive into a substrate. The data from this test helps customers optimize their designs and shows if they will damage bone.
  • Pull-out testing determines the resistance of the screw by pulling it out of a substrate. This testing helps the clients comprehend the amount of hold a screw has while in the substrate of a bone.
  • Shear, fatigue, and lever testing assess the force the screw is able to withstand when levering or moving inside a rod or plate. The test shows the strength of the fixation without the presence of a substrate.

Custom Testing

Our Family of Companies is a well-known expert in custom testing. We partner with our clients in order to design tests specific to their needs. Whether they have a cutting-edge implant or a novel material design, we aim to help clients reach their goals safely and efficiently. Not only are we experts in the medical device testing field, we also maintain regulatory, industry, and manufacturing expertise.

FDA Classifications

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies approximately 1,700 generic devices and assigns each to 16 different panels. Based on the level of control it takes to assure safety and effectiveness, these classified devices fall into one of three regulatory classes:

  • Class I are low-risk devices that cannot sustain or support life.
  • Class II are medium-risk devices that are more rigorously tested for safety than Class I but cannot sustain or support life.
  • Class III are high-risk devices that receive the most rigorous testing because they sustain and support life.

Accreditation and Quality Standards

The Family of Companies provides our clients with high-quality medical device testing services by creating rapid responses and reliable results. We employ highly trained technicians ready to assist manufacturers with their testing expertise. Ultimately, our goal is to help manufacturers procure professional reports to meet global requirements, including FDA and CE marketing approval.

The ATS Family of Companies offers a comprehensive scope of accredited mechanical testing standards. We possess ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditations. Adding to our list of credentials, our staff maintains an ISO-recognized Quality Management System (QMS).

Contact Us

Contact us for any of your medical device testing needs today.

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