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Applied Technical Services’ engineers measure the tensile strength of steel products in compliance with ASTM A370 testing standards.

ASTM A370 Testing Explained

The ASTM A370 testing standard outlines the procedure needed to evaluate the ductility and strength of steel materials. To begin the process, technicians measure the sample’s dimensions and note the material’s smallest cross-sectional area before placing gage marks throughout the material at a predetermined gage length. This information will later provide information on the material’s percent elongation at the point of failure. ASTM A370 provides measurements for:

  • Ductility
  • Modulus of Elasticity
  • Tensile Strength
  • Total Elongation
  • Yield Strength

The testing procedure also outlines test methods for the following:

  • Brinell Hardness Testing
  • Charpy Impact Testing
  • Tension Testing
  • Rockwell Hardness Testing

The ASTM A370 testing standard is helpful in several applications, including automotive manufacturing, construction, and other industries where a material’s tensile strength is paramount to its safety and success.

More About Our ASTM Testing Capabilities

In addition to ASTM A370 testing, we offer dozens of other ASTM-compliant testing services for the convenience of our clients. We specialize in chemical analysis and metallurgical, mechanical, and environmental testing, and we offer the following services:

Metallurgical Testing

  • Microstructure Analysis
  • Metallic Coating Thickness Measurements
  • Grain Size Determination
  • Knoop and Vickers Hardness Testing

Mechanical Testing

  • Failure Analysis
  • Fatigue Testing
  • Tensile Testing
  • Weld Testing

Environmental Testing

  • Aging Testing
  • Corrosion Testing
  • Flammability Testing
  • Thermal Testing
  • Waterproof Testing
  • Weathering Testing

Our Commitment to Quality

Applied Technical Services is an ISO-certified quality management system that specializes in consulting engineering, testing, and inspection services. We uphold internationally recognized quality standards to ensure that our clients receive services that address their needs promptly and professionally. Our experienced staff utilizes our state-of-the-art chemical, mechanical, and electrical testing facilities and offers an extensive and ever-growing list of services and certifications that benefit numerous industrial sectors. We meet our customer’s needs by providing the following:

  • Service in Compliance with Common Standards & Specifications
  • Quick Turnaround Times for Lab Services
  • Clear and Accurate Data
  • Qualified & Experienced Employees

Is your company interested in our ASTM A370 testing services? Please submit a web request form or dial +1 (888) 287-5227 to speak with an ATS representative for additional information.

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