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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) determines the chemical composition of steel in compliance with ASTM E1086 testing standards. Steel is a common building material revered for its high-yield strength, durability, and versatility. However, there are different types of steel, and their uses are heavily dependent on their composition, so manufacturers will often ask third-party labs such as ATS to evaluate the elements within a steel sample to better understand its potential.

What is ASTM E1086?

The American Society for Testing and Materials established ASTM E1086 as a testing method for those using spark atomic emission spectrometry (AES) to evaluate the chemical composition of steel. During the testing procedure, technicians generate a high-voltage spark between a counter electrode and a steel sample. The spark excites the atoms which causes them to emit light wavelengths unique to the specific elements they represent.

Experts can use AES to accurately measure the concentration of numerous types of elements, including the following:

  • Aluminum
  • Carbon
  • Copper
  • Nickel
  • Phosphorus

Our ASTM E1086 Testing Services

Our highly trained and experienced experts use our ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited lab to conduct ASTM E1086-compliant services. We work diligently to deliver prompt, precise, and reliable services that meet our clients’ unique needs and deadlines. Our services help manufacturers verify the composition of the materials used in the manufacturing process. At the same time, it also ensures that the quality and integrity of the materials are sufficient for their intended use.

Why is the ASTM E1086 Testing Standard Important?

A wide range of industries from construction to aerospace rely heavily on the quality of steel materials and components. The ASTM E1086 standard helps these industries gain a better understanding of the chemical composition of austenitic stainless steel so that they may not only optimize the material selection process but also minimize the likelihood of product defects.

Failure to properly verify the composition of a stainless steel material may result in the following:

  • Product failures
  • Increased resources spent on reworks and recalls
  • Noncompliance with specific standards and regulations
  • Safety hazards for those using a product or material

Contact Us

For more information about our ASTM-compliant AES services, please submit a web request or call +1 (888) 287-5227 .

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