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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) evaluates the composition of low alloy steel and carbon in accordance with ASTM E415 testing standards.

What is ASTM E415?

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) developed ASTM E415 as the standard procedure for determining the chemical composition of alloys and metals. During the procedure, technicians evaluate how a sample’s atoms react to a spark by observing how the atoms emit light at different wavelengths. The technicians use spark atomic emission spectrometry (AES) to separate light by specific wavelengths so that it can be analyzed. Upon completing the analysis, experts will have the information needed to determine the concentration of specific elements present within the sample.

Our ASTM E415 Testing Services

Our state-of-the-art chemical testing offers invaluable services that help clients evaluate their products in accordance with common standards such as ASTM E415. Our experts’ ability to assess the composition of various metals is useful to a wide range of industries, including aerospace, construction, and manufacturing. Our ASTM E415 testing services also offer a highly effective way to reduce the risk of premature product failure and ineffective manufacturing processes and strategies.

Why is It Important to Test the Chemical Composition of Metals?

Depending on their intended use, manufacturers may expect their metal products and components to be able to do certain things or perform under certain conditions. By testing the chemical composition of metals, experts can gather enough information to evaluate a metal’s suitability for specific situations and applications. The chemical composition of metal can influence a wide range of essential attributes, such as:

  • Corrosion resistance
  • Ductility
  • Electric conductivity
  • Strength

Failure to evaluate a metal’s composition with a trustworthy and reputable lab such as ATS, may result in the following:

  • Inaccurate results
  • Quality control issues
  • Regulatory violations
  • Unnecessary expenses spent on correcting errors

Why Choose the ATS Family of Companies?

The ATS Family of Companies is a network of companies and experts with more than a century of collective experience across various STEM-based applications and services. Founded in 1967, Applied Technical Services has spent the last 5 decades investing in its ability to address the ever-evolving needs of the industries we serve.

Please consider the ATS FoC for your chemical testing needs and call +1 (888) 287-5227 to learn more about our capabilities.

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