Applied Technical Services performs Barfield 1811D calibration for our clients. Private and commercial aircraft each feature an airspeed indicator, an altimeter, and a vertical speed indicator — three gauges that feed pilots important data mid-flight. Because the accuracy of these safety-critical instruments depends on the integrity of the aircraft’s pitot-static system, owners and operators must regularly test to verify that it remains uncompromised.
The Barfield 1811D is a multipurpose portable field-testing device that allows aircraft maintenance crews to detect leaks in pitot-static systems and perform calibration checks for gauges on the instrument panel. Depending on the age of the unit, testers may feature either analog or digital instruments to take appropriate measurements. Hand pumps and external pressure ports enable maintenance personnel to deliver the pressure and vacuum needed for onboard testing. The manufacturer of this instrument recommends that qualified and certified labs conduct all maintenance and repairs utilizing appropriate procedures and instrumentation to ensure the unit’s accuracy.
NIST-Traceable Calibrations
ATS is a respected calibration laboratory known for delivering unmatched customer service. Our technicians abide by documented and controlled methods, providing both As-Found and As-Left data on all calibrations. We perform Barfield 1811D calibration both in our lab and on location, providing our clients with test reports and calibration certificates upon completion. We also make calibration records available through our online iPortal interface, providing our clients with asset history, digital report copies, and reference to maintenance and scheduled due dates.
Barfield 1811D Calibration Services
- Altimeter
- Airspeed Indicator
- Vertical Speed Indicator
- Pitot System Test
- Static System Test
- Static Leak Test
- Combined Pitot / Static Test
- Machmeter Test
- Engine Pressure Ratio Test
- Manifold Pressure Gauge Test
- Low Pressure Test
- Vacuum Test
- Valve Leak Test
- Metering Valve Adjustment Procedure
- Resetting Needle Valve Positive Stop
About ATS
Applied Technical Services meets our clients’ calibration needs by offering well-rounded services with timely turnarounds. In addition to our capabilities, our Quality Assurance procedures comply with the applicable requirements of ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, ISO 9001:2015, 10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR Part 21, and ISO/IEC 17025. Our clients value our calibration services because of our expertise, affordability, and efficiency. ATS’ Marietta lab can provide ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited calibrations upon request. For more information — or to request a quote for our Barfield 1811D calibration services — contact ATS today.