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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies provides dedicated on-site calibration services by adding an embedded calibration lab to client facilities.

Embedded Services: Full-Service Calibration Labs

ATS is proud to be the preferred in-house lab service provider for reputable companies throughout the United States. We partner with some of the most well-established businesses and organizations to ensure precise, dependable calibration services conveniently performed on-site at your location. With a wide range of accreditations and certifications, our calibration technicians can add unparalleled expertise and knowledge to your business’ existing capabilities.

The Benefits of an Embedded Calibration Lab

Calibration is a critical part of maintaining the accuracy and functionality of tools, equipment, and machinery. With an ATS embedded laboratory, your business can stay focused on standard operations while our experts handle the adjustment, repair, and verification of measurement instruments. Some of the benefits of embedded labs include:

  • Single source calibrations for your equipment
  • Minimized downtime for repairs and adjustments
  • No personnel reaccreditation or recertification costs
  • No employee benefit costs
  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Effortless scheduling for maintaining compliance
  • No delay addressing urgent calibration needs
  • Traceable in-house calibration reporting

Calibration Services at ATS

Founded in 1967, Applied Technical Services has over 55 years of business experience and more than 35 years of calibration experience. We offer embedded calibration lab services for businesses operating in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, medical, building, and construction. ATS is ISO 9001:2015 registered and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited by the A2LA in calibration, ensuring dependable, repeatable results. Some of our most commonly requested calibration services include:

Applied Technical Services

The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies is proud to be one of the leading testing, inspection, compliance, and certification providers in North America. We prioritize customer satisfaction and service quality above all else, working diligently to keep your business operations running smoothly while keeping costs competitive. Contact us today by calling 1 (888) 287-5227 or submitting a request form on this page for a free quote or additional information on embedding a calibration lab in your facility.

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