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Beyond the obvious financial issues associated with maintaining equipment, there are three reasons why every company should have a mechanical integrity program:

  • To protect personnel
  • To help prevent disasters
  • To protect our environment

In addition, state-to-state laws apply specifically to some aspects of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel codes along with federal requirements from OSHA and the EPA, such as SPCC, PSM and BMP. As if things were not confusing enough, there are also individual industry specific guidelines available from TAPPI, NACE, STI and others.

Do you have a Mechanical Integrity program in place to periodically inspect and evaluate your pressure vessels, pressure piping and storage tanks? Is your Mechanical Integrity program taking advantage of inspections from a corrosion-engineering standpoint? How qualified are the personnel who are inspecting your tanks?

Whether chemical, pharmaceutical or pulp and paper, ATS provides turn-key Mechanical Integrity programs completely customized to suit your company’s unique requirements.

Mechanical Integrity Program Design and Implementation

When it comes to design and implementation for small operators or mill-wide mechanical integrity programs, ATS is second to none. We begin by determining your specific needs, and then customize your plan to fulfill all your requirements. Our plans are typically based on qualitative RBI along with our in-depth experience and knowledge about your industry. Whether you are starting from scratch or have an existing NDE provider but need help bringing your mechanical integrity program full circle, we can show you a path to minimizing inspection costs and maximizing value and up time.

Inspection Procedures

ATS follows tried and true procedures developed over years of delivering quality inspections and evaluations. Standard forms and procedures for gathering inspection data are used to ensure quality and accurate results. Our inspections meet API 653, 510, 570 and STI among others.

Our expertise with corrosion and materials engineering coupled with our extensive industry background allows us to develop process specific inspection plans so that the right inspection is done from the start.

Detailed Calculations

ATS uses both commercially available (Nastran, Autodesk Simulation Mechanical and CFD, LS-Dyna, Solidworks Simulation, COMPRESS) and in-house custom developed software to assist in evaluating vessels, piping and storage tanks. Our calculations are not generic or wholesale but instead are specific to every code and standard nuance whether API, STI, ASME, NBIC or even industry published guidelines such as TAPPI and NACE.

We have the capability to perform cradle-to-grave engineering designs as well as innovative Fitness-For-Service techniques from API RP579.

Equipment We Know

From digesters to boilers and everywhere in between we find our niche. We routinely look at batch and continuous digesters, dryer cans, recovery and package boilers, water tanks, reactors, flash tanks, autoclaves, condensate tanks, liquor tanks, brick and tile, concrete, FRP and plastic. Metals and non-metals yield a glimmer in our eye. No item too big, no item too small. From how to repair it to how to prevent it, we know how to help.

Personnel Qualifications

Our personnel are industry experts. We hold certifications not limited to: API 653 Certified Above Ground Storage Tank Inspectors, API 510 Certified Pressure Vessel Inspectors, API 570 Certified Piping Inspectors, AWS Certified Welding Inspectors, NACE Certified Coating Inspectors, Registered Professional Engineers with National Council Records, ASNT Certified Inspectors in multiple NDE methods. Our engineers are graduates in Mechanical, Chemical, Civil, and Materials Engineering disciplines. Contact Applied Technical Services today to request your free quote for all of your Mechanical Integrity Program needs.

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