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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies provides Bosch crash data retrieval in the event of an accident.

Crash Data Retrieval

A crash data retrieval (CDR) tool is a computer system that images the data from an airbag control module (ACM) after airbag deployment or other automotive incidents. An ACM detects sudden changes in a vehicle’s direction or rotation and records the data associated with these changes if the event meets certain specifications.


Imaging saves a digital copy of a vehicle’s crash/event data onto a computer in a secure file. It accurately assesses crashes involving passenger cars, trucks, and SUVs. The retrieval and analysis of this data help accident reconstruction experts evaluate evidence efficiently.

Bosch Diagnostics

Bosch Diagnostics is a leader in event data recorder (EDR) technology. Auto manufacturers, crash researchers, government agencies, and law enforcement trust Bosch products to assess EDR information in vehicles.

Bosch Crash Data Retrieval

Bosch crash data retrieval allows reconstruction experts to image crash data parameters before, during, and after a crash. Bosch event data recorders are integrated into nearly every vehicle, automatically recording essential information.

Bosch crash data retrieval is a reliable and versatile platform for retrieving EDR data. Once the data is downloaded and saved in a secure file, the CDR software can generate a detailed report for investigators.

Crash Data Retrieval Experts at ATS

The ATS Family of Companies staffs automotive accident experts to download Bosch crash/event data in commercial and passenger vehicles. The data depends on the vehicle’s make, model, and year and provides clients with information on acceleration, braking, speed, and other key factors.

We retrieve vehicle record data from powertrain control modules (PCM), roll-over sensors (ROS), and airbag control modules (ACM).

We Complete Cases Involving:

  • Commercial Vehicles
  • Passenger Vehicles
  • Motorcycles
  • Train &Vehicle Collisions
  • Multi-Vehicle Accidents
  • Minor Impact Accidents
  • Vehicle Rollovers

Quality Assurance

We perform Bosch crash data retrieval to develop detailed reports, which include photos, diagrams, conclusive findings, and repair recommendations. We are ACTAR-certified and court-qualified, adhering to the various rules and regulations of each state’s engineering board.

ATS’ Forensic Services

Applied Technical Services’ forensic investigators perform in-depth analyses of various vehicular accidents using proven scientific and engineering principles. Our forensic services include product liability investigation, site scanning, secure evidence storage, and vehicle accident reconstruction to aid attorneys, insurance companies, and law enforcement in their forensic investigations.

Contact Us

Call the ATS Family of Companies at +1 (888) 287-5227 or fill out the webform request on this page to schedule Bosch crash data retrieval today.

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