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In-Depth Analysis Rooted in Scientific Principles

The practice of fire cause analysis requires a unique assortment of multi-disciplinary expertise. Since 1974, Applied Technical Services has provided in-depth analyses of fire incidents, utilizing specialized skills, technology, and equipment to help clients quickly determine what component failures precipitate these incidents. Through this analysis, investigators ascertain whether incidents occurred accidentally or intentionally. With every assignment, our fire specialists are prepared to be intensively cross-examined over our findings.

ATS fire investigators work pragmatically, executing a cost-effective examination rooted in scientific principles with rigorous attention to detail. For decades we have worked alongside clients in the legal, insurance, agricultural, industrial, forensic, and police force communities to name a few.

Our dedicated professionals conduct investigations on-site in addition to having extensive testing capabilities made available at our in-house laboratory. From small kitchen fires to massive structural fires, ATS has the necessary resources to investigate a fire of any size. We service anywhere in the US, as well as internationally.

The techniques employed by our experts are in compliance with the conventions outlined in NFPA 921.

Dedicated Experts

ATS’ fire investigation teams include highly qualified professionals who are experienced in numerous fields. We draw upon the expertise of our chemists, metallurgists, forensic, electrical, and mechanical engineers to uncover the responsibility of fires. Our investigators are certified with the International Association of Arson Investigators and the National Association of Fire Investigators. These certifications include:

  • Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator
  • Certified Fire & Explosion Investigator
  • Certified Fire Investigator

ATS is committed to the continuous process of quality improvement. Our experts regularly attend training symposiums to remain current on the best practices of this ever-evolving industry and to retain certifications.

Contact Us

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