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Applied Technical Services offers a range of services for maritime structures, including hull inspections. Hull inspections help ensure ships maintain safe and effective operation by checking both hull thickness and any hull defects or damage that may be present. If left undiscovered early on, hull defects could potentially further deteriorate and develop into more substantial damage.

Threats to Hull Integrity

  • Buckling
  • Bulges
  • Corrosion
  • Cracks
  • Dents
  • Gashes
  • Holes
  • Leaks
  • Ruptures
  • Scrapes

Ship hulls can sustain damage in several ways – the most apparent being direct impacts with foreign objects. Such impacts could include collisions with other structures, or grounding on the sea bottom, for example. Impacts cause immediate damage and should be inspected as soon as possible to avoid catastrophic outcomes later on.

Ultrasonic Thickness Testing

Over time, hulls can also develop damage in the form of corrosion. The metallic materials used in the manufacturing of ships inevitably corrode as they are regularly exposed to oxygen and salt water. Common types of corrosion are galvanic, electrolytic, crevice, and simple oxidation (rust). Eventually, these corrosive reactions become an issue when they begin to eat away at the ship’s hull, causing material loss.

To determine if the hull has experienced a loss in thickness, ATS performs Ultrasonic Thickness Testing (UTT). UTT takes advantage of ultrasound technology to emit high frequency sound waves into the test material. Those waves are then reflected back into our UTT probe device, allowing our technicians to determine the wall thickness based on the wave properties.

How We Perform Inspections

Our NDT experts can integrate inspections around our client’s operation and schedule. We can safely access larger vessels by staging, climbing, suspending from ropes, or using portable rubber rafts. Additionally, we can flood tanks or spaces in the hull for easier access to certain areas. After inspection, we provide detailed reporting of results that includes the original thickness, current thickness, and waste percentage of the hull.

ATS – Your Provider for Maritime Inspection Services

At Applied Technical Services, our nondestructive testing services are performed according to well established scientific and technical principles. For years, we have stayed true to our core values of quality service, timely turnaround time, and helpful client support.

Regular hull inspections can prevent unwanted emergency dry-docking, maintain safety of personnel and cargo, and assist in planning for repairs. If you need a hull inspection for your vessel, contact us today!

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