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Applied Technical Servicesโ€™ Consulting Engineering group offers mechanical integrity inspection services to ensure that process equipment is properly designed, constructed, fabricated, installed, and operated and maintained to prevent failures and accidental releases. Mechanical integrity is one of the most important elements included in Process Safety Management (PSM). A complete mechanical integrity inspection program is typically comprised of applicable codes, regulations, and standards, identification and categorization of equipment, a management system, routine maintenance, inspection and testing (Preventive Maintenance [PM]/Predictive Maintenance [PdM]), training, and a Quality Assurance (QA) program.

It is important to ensure certifications are recognized by OSHA, as well as meeting federal requirements from the EPA. ATS provides a mechanical integrity inspection plan that is tailored to meet each clientโ€™s specific requirements. Our assessments are typically based on qualitative risk-based inspections (RBI) in addition to our extensive knowledge and expertise in our customerโ€™s industry. Our qualified engineers and technicians can put an inspection program in place that adds value with reduced costs and time-saving results.

Mechanical Integrity Inspection Plans

In order to preserve the endurance and productivity of equipment assets, ATS can conduct 5, 10, 15, 20 or more year intervals for mechanical integrity inspections. Standards and procedures of inspection data are compiled to ensure quality and accurate results. Our inspections meet API 653, 570, 510, and STI. In addition to maintaining a companyโ€™s resources, inspections are vital in ensuring safe working conditions for employees and contractors.

Our trained engineers inspect and review all documentation, equipment, and operational conditions. ATSโ€™ plan includes consultations to review results and provide any documented recommendations discovered during an inspection.

Mechanical Integrity Inspection (Full Lifecycle of Piece Equipment)

Common types of equipment inspected for maintenance, repair, construction, or replacement include, but are not limited to:

  • Above Ground Storage Tanks
  • Pressure Vessels
  • Piping Systems
  • Recovery and Package Boilers
  • Relief and Vent Systems
  • Digesters
  • Dryer Cans
  • Emergency Shutdown Systems
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Controls
  • Pumps
  • Water Tanks

Quality Assurance (QA)

ATSโ€™ mechanical integrity inspection services assist our clientsโ€™ procedures for equipment procurement, fabrication, installation, repair, and maintenance. ATS Quality Assurance program implements meticulous policies to improve the services we provide our customers. Furthermore, our personnel are expert engineers and certified technicians in most nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods.

ATSโ€™ comprehensive approach to mechanical integrity inspections utilize experienced personnel and the latest technologies for calculating, testing, and inspecting. At ATS, we adhere to industry standards, policies, and procedures to meet our clientsโ€™ needs. We work diligently to discover facts and make recommendations with design, construction, function, and failure prevention as a cost and time solution for our customers. Contact Applied Technical Services for a free quote evaluation today.

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