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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) performs ISO 10993 biocompatibility testing to ensure that medical materials and medical devices are safe to use. As medical technology improves, new materials and devices are adopted by the medical industry. Our medical device testing services help to ensure that medical devices are safe and effective for medical professionals and patients.

What is Biocompatibility Testing?

Biocompatibility tests allow companies to assess their products to evaluate their suitability for contact with human tissue. Medical materials can contain toxins that cause medical reactions in patients, making biocompatibility tests a necessary step to verify a material’s compliance with numerous standards and guidelines, including ISO 10993.

What is ISO 10993?

The International Organization for Standardization developed ISO 10993 as a standard for those conducting biological evaluations for medical devices. ISO 10993 consists of various sections that specify guidelines for various subjects regarding medical device preparation and performance. The purpose of ISO 10993 is to establish biological risk and biological compatibility, minimizing the likelihood of health complications for patients who rely on medical devices.

About Our ISO 10993 Biocompatibility Testing Services

Our medical device testing experts carefully examine medical devices to confirm their compliance with ISO 10993 standards. We recognize that medical devices play a critical part in improving the quality of life of millions of people, so we take immense pride in our ability to help companies improve their products. Our ISO-compliant testing services help our clients do the following:

  • Improve patient safety
  • Achieve regulatory compliance
  • Increase access to international markets

Our Commitment to Quality

The ATS FoC provides professional consulting engineering, inspection, calibration, and testing services to commercial businesses across various industries. Our expansive network of companies operates across the continental US and complies with numerous domestic and international standards to ensure that our services remain relevant across various marketplaces. To ensure that our clients receive the best service possible, we provide the following:

  • Services that comply with industry regulations and standards
  • Quick turnaround times
  • Competitive prices
  • Educative and communicative staff

Contact Us

For more information about our ISO 10993-compliant services, please complete a web request form or call +1 (888) 287-5227.

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