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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) uses the ISO 4892-3 standard to simulate how weather can affect materials. Natural elements such as sunlight, rain, heat, and cold can have a significant on a materials appearance and performance. Our UV testing experts subject samples to elements in controlled environments to evaluate how they react.

What is ISO 4892-3?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an internationally recognized organization that develops and publishes technical standards that help establish uniformity in industrial and commercial testing practices. The ISO 4892-3 standard outlines testing methods that can be used by those exploring how materials respond to various levels of exposure to fluorescent UV radiation, water, and heat. The standard enables accelerated aging, which offers valuable insight into how a material may hold up once exposed to specific conditions for long periods of time.

Our UV Weather Testing Services

Our highly trained testing and analysis experts use our state-of-the-art weathering lab to evaluate how weather conditions can impact materials. We use a wide range of tests to see how our clients’ samples respond to various types of environmental stressors, such as:

  • Extreme temperatures
  • Humidity
  • UV radiation

We offer tests that comply with common industry standards, including, but not limited to the following:

  • ASTM D4329
  • ASTM D4587
  • ASTM D4674
  • ASTM D5894

How Does Weathering Testing Benefit Manufacturers?

Manufacturers greatly benefit from third-party weathering testing services like those offered by the ATS FoC. The accelerated aging services and in-depth analysis we offer can reveal crucial data regarding a product’s durability and suitability for specific conditions. The data gathered from weather tests can be invaluable when doing the following:

  • Product research and development
  • Improve the material selection process
  • Maintain quality control

About the ATS Family of Companies

The ATS Family of Companies operates across the United States, providing professional inspection, testing, and analysis services to businesses in various industries. We take immense pride in our ability to provide high-quality services for competitive prices, and our experts keep an open line of communication with clients to ensure that their direct needs are met. For more information, please call +1 (888) 287-5227 and complete an online inquiry.

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