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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies offers comprehensive electrical engineer fire investigator services, identifying the root cause of electrical fires to assist clients with legal proceedings and insurance claims.

Electrical Engineer Fire Investigator Services

Our highly trained electrical fire engineers perform exhaustive investigations, assessing scenes and examining electrical wiring, panels, and equipment to identify electrical sources that could potentially be responsible for starting fires. Our experts collect physical evidence and apply forensic investigation techniques to conduct in-depth analyses in our forensics laboratory. This allows ATS’ electrical engineer fire investigator team to determine the cause of the fire, whether it started from a short circuit, arc fault, grounding fault, or something else. Every step of the investigation process is thoroughly documented and compiled into precise, detailed reporting. These technical reports can be used to assist in legal proceedings, criminal cases, and insurance claims, and our engineers also provide fire investigation expert witness services.

Electrical engineer fire investigator services are commonly requested by those working in a wide range of industries, including but not limited to manufacturing, legal, construction, real estate, government, regulations, utilities, and insurance. The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies has cultivated an impressive reputation for service quality and customer satisfaction and is the preferred forensic investigation services provider for some of the most prestigious businesses and organizations in the region. In addition to fire investigations, our forensics department’s most popular service offerings include:

The Fire Investigation Experts at Applied Technical Services

The ATS electrical engineer fire investigator team applies decades of experience to every task, whether it be investigating the scene of an electrical fire or providing expert witness testimony in court proceedings. Our experts have the knowledge, experience, and credibility to help your team succeed. For additional information or a free quote, submit a request form on this page or call 1 (888) 287-5227 today.

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