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The AM Industry

Additive manufacturing and 3D printing have revolutionized design and manufacturing processes across the entire spectrum of industry sectors, including medical, aerospace, and automotive. The unique ability to quickly produce cost effective, complex and custom-built products is transforming supply chains around the world. In this dynamic and expanding industry it is critical that you have a trusted testing partner that has cutting edge technical knowledge, comprehensive capabilities, industry specific skills, and utilizes innovative technology within a world class quality program.

ATS is at the forefront of additive manufacturing testing, providing a breadth of services that is unmatched in the industry. With over 50 years of experience providing the highest quality testing, inspection and consulting engineering services, ATS is a proven partner in providing data, knowledge and solutions. At ATS, customers work directly with our knowledgeable experts, who can help design a test program to meet your specific needs. Let our Center of Excellence work for you.

ATS Is a Trusted Testing Partner

We support clients across various sectors, including the aerospace, medical, and automotive industries. By testing to internationally recognized standards, we can validate the additive manufacturing methods used to create mission-critical components. As a trusted partner, we complete stringent additive manufacturing testing to ensure that all materials and products are safe for use.

ATS’ expert testing personnel employ a range of methods to analyze both the process used to create additively manufactured components and to determine the suitability of their performance characteristics according to design or standard specifications. Some of the tests we perform on AM products and components include:

About ATS

As a leading engineering firm, we are proud to specialize in testing and inspections. Our team of additive manufacturing testing experts helps clients find the technical solutions needed to produce high quality, safe, and valuable products. We leverage our experience, professionalism, and expertise with countless industry standards to effectively serve our national and international clients.

Quality Assurance Programs to Exceed Client Expectations

At ATS, we are dedicated to exceeding client expectations by providing additive manufacturing testing in accordance with applicable standards and specifications. This dedication includes providing clear and accurate data, delivering test results on time, operating within the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited ISO 17025 programs, and adhering to the ISO 9001:2015 registered ATS Quality System. The ATS Quality System is compliant with recognized domestic and international quality system standards across a multitude of industries. As such, it is our duty to provide testing and inspection services that meet our Quality System requirements, as well as other listed ASTM and industry standards.

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