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We understand that you’re busy. You need the ability to focus on your business without disturbances from cybersecurity threats. Unfortunately, the rate of cyberattacks is not slowing down, and you cannot ignore them. In recent times, the rising popularity of remote work has led to greater amounts of potentially sensitive information traveling across the open internet over email and file transfers. If these channels are not adequately secured, they create weak links where information could be exposed. More frequent attacks, coupled with a greater number of entry points, create more risk.

Whether you have a small company, are just getting started, or run a well-established organization, there are a few best practices to consider for securing cloud assets, including:

  • Identity & Access Control: Users may work from many different locations with multiple apps and devices. The only constant is the user’s identity, which becomes the new security control plane.
  • Security Posture Management: Ensure you have the right tools for assessing your current environments and assets, identifying potential security risks.
  • Big Data Security: Protect apps, data, and infrastructure using an operational security strategy across networks, identity, and hosts.
  • Advanced Threat Protection: A layered security posture comprising of detection, protection, and response should be enforced with unparalleled security intelligence that identifies rapidly evolving threats early, allowing you to respond quickly.
  • Network Security: As the landscape changes, security solutions must meet evolving threats and challenges and make it increasingly difficult for attackers to exploit any vulnerabilities.

We aim to help companies protect their important communication channels and critical business resources. We are a Microsoft Gold partner, which allows us to offer a completely complimentary assessment of your Microsoft 365 tenant. The comprehensive audit will:

  • Check for a wide array of vulnerabilities
  • Analyze permissions, mailboxes, and settings
  • Ensure compliance with password rules
  • Take one-click corrective action
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