Page for Posts: 47549
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The color and gloss of a product can be affected by various environmental factors. In addition to the accelerated weathering exposure needed to simulate environmental damage (Xenon, UV, Abrasion, Thermal), ATS performs color and gloss testing to determine the resulting visual change to the coating. Our environmental testing lab measures these variations quantitatively by using a spectrophotometer.

Color Gloss Testing Capabilities

ATS’s state-of-the-art spherical spectrophotometer offers superior color analysis capabilities by utilizing multiple illuminations and observer angle options. We can perform color fade, grey scale comparison, or standard color matching. Available metrics include tristimulus parameters (L, a, b), ΔE, gloss values (20°, 60° and 85°), reflectivity, transmissibility, haze.

Our trained color testing technicians work diligently to provide our customers with the most accurate information they have requested.

  • ASTM D523
  • ASTM E1331
  • ASTM D2244
  • ISO 7724/2
  • ISO 2813
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