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Applied Technical Services’ metallurgy lab can measure electroless nickel plating thickness and conduct a wide range of coating and plating services.

What is Electroless Nickel Plating?

Electroless nickel plating applies a uniform layer of nickel-phosphorous to aluminum, brass, stainless steel, and other metals. Electroless plating provides even coating and protection, unlike the irregularities commonly seen in electroplating. Advantages include: 

  • Improved Corrosion Resistance
  • Improved Ductility
  • Increased Conductivity
  • Increased Lubricity
  • Increased Hardness; Between 68 and 72 on the Rockwell C Scale
  • Even and Uniform Thickness; Offering Balanced Protection
  • Applicable to Both Metallic and Non-Metallic Substrates

Various industries use electroless nickel plating, including:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Consumer Products
  • Defense / Military
  • Manufacturing
  • Nuclear
  • Oil and Gas

The Importance of Consistent Plating Thickness

Improper or inconsistent plating can negatively affect a plating’s performance, exposing a material to corrosive elements that can cause premature failure. It’s essential to evaluate the consistency of a coating to ensure that the application process is successful and that the coating is adequate for the desired application. The following factors can compromise the integrity of an electroless nickel plating or coating.

  • Bath Chemistry Imbalance
  • Improper Substrate Preparation
  • Mechanical / Equipment Malfunctions
  • Solution Contamination

Applied Technical Services’ Metallurgy Lab

Our full-service metallurgy lab offers failure analysis, litigation support, material identification, and other metallurgical services to clients in various industries worldwide. Our experienced staff works closely with clients to establish an objective and deliver it with courteous and professional service. Our lab professionals consist of metallurgists, chemists, and engineers with decades of combined experience in relevant applications.

About Applied Technical Services

ATS has provided quality engineering consulting, inspection, training, and testing services since our founding in 1967. We’ve operated on a principle of continuous growth and improvement, evident by the extensive list of accreditations and certifications we’ve earned over our 55-year history. We are an ISO 9001:2015 management system committed to upholding internationally recognized standards of quality, customer service, and professionalism. Please call us at +1 (888) 287-5227 to ask about our electroless nickel plating thickness services and receive a free quote.

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