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For those who need water immersion testing, Applied Technical Services (ATS) has them covered. Water immersion tests are used for acceptance and quality control of coatings and substrate treatments in manufacturing. With this type of test, it is possible to determine the water resistance of coatings since it allows detection of flaws, irregularities, and defects on coated specimens. Locating the smallest of defects can matter, and immersion testing is a way to ensure that those defects are located quickly and efficiently, before they become problem or get repeated on an assembly line.

What Does Immersion Testing Offer?

During immersion testing coated panels or actual parts are partially or totally immersed in distilled or demineralized water in a corrosion resistant container. The exposure parameters are varied by selecting the duration and temperature of the test based on the expected service environment. The undesirable effects of water immersion testing on the coating, such as discoloration, loss of gloss, staining, formation of blisters, swelling, adhesion loss, softening, or hardening are evaluated visually and via appropriate physical tests, and reported upon completion of the exposure. Other fluids are also used when warranted, so the appropriate type of chemical resistance testing is performed based on the product’s application. Companies can then assess how their product will hold up when submerged in a number of different liquids, and can get information about how the coating or product will hold up when exposed to various fluids during use. 

Why is ATS Different from Other Companies?

At ATS, we perform numerous variations of the water immersion test in accordance with methods such as BI 104-01 (Ford), PPS Method 1005 (Toyota), HES D6501-6 (Honda), and ASTM D870, to name a few. This has come about from the rising need for immersion testing due to the growth and development of coatings. There are more waterproof materials being used today, and they need to work the way they are designed to and the way the company expects. Proper testing can indicate whether that is the case, or whether changes need to be made.  

Founded in 1967, ATS has developed a strong reputation for successfully working with a wide range of industries, and the business world to provide materials testing, calibration services, fire and explosion investigations, chemical analysis, forensic and consulting engineering, failure analysis, and metallurgical testing services.  

How ATS Goes Above and Beyond

ATS’ team of certified and trained experts deliver high quality services by meeting customer needs promptly, while adhering to specifications and standards that result in clear and accurate data. Our ISO 9001:2015 registered Quality System is based on continuous improvement in all aspects of our business to ensure customer service excellence.

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