EMI, or electromagnetic interference, is the emission of a signal and/or noise from a subject that causes interference with other vehicles, equipment, or machinery. The amount of interference must fall within parameters specified by industry standards to comply with relevant EMI regulations. An EMI testing lab will conduct a series of tests, as determined by which industry produced the test subject.
The EMI Lab at ATS
Our state-of-the-art testing facility is capable of performing a wide range of electromagnetic interference testing. Two distinctions set ATS apart from other EMI labs: our ISO-9001 certification and our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation for calibration. Parts suppliers working alongside industries with lofty quality requirements must seek out fully certified EMI testing labs to sufficiently validate their products in the eyes of discerning clientele. An unaccredited EMI lab cannot reasonably assure the validity of their test results.
Applied Technical Services
ATS is an advanced EMI testing lab that provides accurate, reliable results. Applied Technical Servicesโ team of highly trained, skilled professionals apply decades of experience to each inspection, making ATS the premier EMI lab in the region.
ATS EMI Testing Services
Applied Technical Services offers an extensive list of electromagnetic interference and compatibility testing procedures, including:
- Section 15, Magnetic Effect
- Section 16, Power Input (28VDC and 115VAC 400Hz)
- Section 17, Voltage Spike
- Section 18, Audio Frequency Conducted Susceptibility
- Section 19, Induced Signal Susceptibility
- Section 20, Radio Frequency Susceptibility (Conducted)
- Section 20, Radio Frequency Susceptibility (Radiated)
- Section 21, Emission of Radio Frequency Energy (Radiated and Conducted)
- Section 22, Lightning Induced Transient Susceptibility (up to Level 3)
- Section 25, Electrostatic Discharge
- CE101
- CE102
- RE101
- RE102 (up to 18GHz)
- CS101
- CS114
- CS115
- CS116
- CS117
- CS118
- RS101
- RS103 (up to 18GHz and 200V/m)
- LDC (28VDC)
- SAC (115V AC 400Hz single phase)
- TAC (115V AC 400Hz three phase)
The Future of ATS’ EMI Testing Lab
Applied Technical Services has a rapidly evolving list of testing capabilities. The Applied Technical Services EMI lab is at the forefront of EMI and EMC testing, standing as a leading contender on the global stage. Contact us today to request a quote for electromagnetic interference testing services.