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Applied Technical Services conducts EMI & EMC testing to analyze the interference and compatibility of a subject to ensure industry compliance. EMI, or electromagnetic interference, tests for the emission of any signal or noise from a subject that causes interference with other vehicles, equipment, or machinery. EMC, or electromagnetic compatibility, tests a subject’s ability to operate without creating electromagnetic interference for other devices in the subject’s environment. Manufacturers of electronic devices, medical equipment, aerospace/military vehicles and machinery, and consumer goods rely on EMI & EMC testing, as all electronic devices have the potential to cause electromagnetic interference. As the number of electronic devices increases, so does the potential for interference between devices.

Testing Procedures


This testing standard establishes the criteria for environmental aircraft testing. This standard applies to all sizes of aircraft in various fields, including but not limited to general aviation aircraft, helicopters, commercial wide-body airliners, and supersonic transport aircraft. Applied Technical Services performs the following EMI & EMC-related RTCA-DO-160 testing procedures:

  • S15 Magnetic Effect
  • S16 Power Input (28VDC and 115VAC 400Hz)
  • S17 Voltage Spike
  • S18 Audio Frequency Conducted Susceptibility
  • S19 Induced Signal Susceptibility
  • S20 Radio Frequency Susceptibility (Radiated and Conducted)
  • S21 Emission of Radio Frequency Energy (Radiated and Conducted)
  • S22 Lightning Induced Transient Susceptibility (up to Level 3)
  • S25 Electrostatic Discharge


This standard establishes EMI & EMC testing procedures and limits for military subsystems and equipment. MIL-STD-461 determines the interface and verification requirements for electromagnetic interference emissions and the vulnerability characteristics of electromechanical equipment used by the US Department of Defense. Applied Technical Services offers the following MIL-STD-461 testing procedures:

  • RE101
  • RE102 (up to 18GHz)
  • CE101
  • CE102
  • CS101
  • CS114
  • CS115
  • CS116
  • CS117
  • CS118
  • RS101
  • RS103 (up to 18GHz and 200V/m)


This testing standard establishes aircraft electric power requirements and characteristics. Applied Technical Services offers the following MIL-STD-704 testing procedures:

  • LDC (28VDC)
  • SAC (115V AC 400Hz single-phase)
  • TAC (115V AC 400Hz three-phase)

Applied Technical Services

At Applied Technical Services, our certified EMI & EMC testing experts are highly trained, experienced professionals committed to providing the highest level of client satisfaction with innovative technologies, reliable information, and excellent customer service. ATS is ISO 9001:2015 registered and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited. Contact ATS today to schedule your EMI & EMC testing.

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