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The ATS (Applied Technical Services) Family of Companies offers radiation effects testing to help clients understand and mitigate radiation risks to their electrical equipment in space.

Space Radiation

Space radiation can significantly damage the functionality of electrical equipment and systems, thereby jeopardizing the space mission. This type of radiation damage can occur over time or instantly, leading to malfunction or total failure. A wide array of mission-critical space equipment, such as space probes, satellites, landers, and rockets, are susceptible to these effects.

Effects on Electronics

Electronics can suffer from cumulative damage caused by TID (total ionizing dose) effects or DDD (displacement damage dose) effects. Space systems can endure stimuli such as these for a certain period, but the ionizing damage from electrons and protons will eventually cause a loss of functionality and completely break down devices that are not sufficiently RAD-hard (radiation-hardened) . While SEEs (single event effects) are sudden phenomena, they can also cause electrical disturbances in regular circuit operation.

How To Combat Risks

Manufacturers should evaluate their space-bound electronics and the potential effects of radiation to mitigate the associated risks. Various testing methods exist that safely and efficiently assess the reliability and functionality of integrated circuits and components built for space usage. To ensure the success of space projects, aerospace manufacturers must seek radiation testing services at approved testing facilities.

Our Team of Experts

We conduct extensive testing to replicate the full range of radiation effects. Our team of experts contributes to successful space missions conducted across various aerospace companies. We work closely with our clients, offering insights on RAD-hard qualifications and designs.

Our Radiation Effects Testing Lab

Our Family of Companies supplies clients with the environments that best simulate service conditions to test for radiation’s effects on electrical equipment in aerospace applications. We maintain a clean-room lab that adheres to all compliance, classification, and security measures relevant to radiation effects testing on electronic devices.

Our Lab Suitability

  • MIL-STD 883 and 750: TM 1080, 1023, 1021, 1020, 1019, 1017
  • EIA/JESD57
  • ESCC 25100
  • ESCC 22900
  • ASTM F 1192

Quality Assurance

Our Family of Companies is an industry leader in radiation effects testing. We employ a world-renowned team of scientists and engineers that follow stringent DLA (Defense Logistics Agency) methods when approaching radiation effects testing. We provide our clients with radiation effects analysis and testing that exceeds their expectations in reliability, integrity, and quality while complying with various industry standards.

Contact Us

Contact our Family of Companies if you need radiation effects testing today.

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