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Applied Technical Services provides ITAR compliant testing services for evaluating military equipment and defense-related articles. Our military testing capabilities allow our lab to evaluate systems’ and subassemblies’ electrical, mechanical, and material characteristics, including environmental durability to help determine their code compliance and overall equipment reliability. ATS maintains the rigorous security standards required to safely manage military contractors’ sensitive data, design, cost, and performance analysis. We test to stringent MIL-STD specifications to ensure client materiel stands up to the severe challenges in rigorous conditions. We systematically manage, advise, and guide your entire military testing program.

ATS aids in the design, developmental, and performance stages within the regulatory restrictions of ITAR compliant testing services. Our testing capabilities, expert technicians, and engineers implement various methods to meet the demands of the defense industry.

Common Mil-STD Testing Capabilities

Common ATS Testing Services

Common Military Testing Methods and Capabilities

ATS: An ITAR Compliant Testing Services Company

The U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”), 22 C.F.R. pts. 120-130, which are administered by the U.S. Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (“DDTC”), and govern the export, reexport, and retransfer of Defense Articles (which includes Technical Data) and the furnishing of Defense Services.

In addition, ATS implements an active quality assurance program dedicated to quality improvement processes. All our employees are routinely trained and capable of thorough analyses delivering accurate test results, detailed reports, and rapid turnarounds. We provide ITAR compliant testing services under the scope of our multiple accreditations and quality systems standards as a viable solution for our clientele demanding requirements.

Accreditations Include:

  • A2LA — Mechanical Testing (Cert# 1888-01)
  • A2LA — Chemistry (Cert# 1888-02)
  • ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

Quality System Standards

  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
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