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A product or piece of equipment may be subject to extreme weather conditions during its life cycle. Thermal shock testing is performed to help determine the ability of electronic components to withstand rapid changes in temperature. Due to the extremely high rate of change of temperature, it is considered to be a severe test. Therefore, exposure to this type temperature variations over a short period of time will expose the productโ€™s susceptibility to failure. To find out the limits of extreme conditions their products can withstand, manufacturers send samples to testing companies like Applied Technical Services, where they undergo Thermal Shock Testing.

Scanning for Resistance

Analysis of Thermal Shock resistance happens in the lab much the same way that it happens in a live-use scenario; the test material is exposed to rapidly changing temperatures. ATSโ€™ technicians will subject the test material to a number of pre-determined temperature cycles, depending on their application and then analyze whether any failure occurred in the external structure or an internal component. This can be accomplished by visual examinations. Electrical testing may also have to be performed to detect any failures due to cracking of the circuit board packaging or separation of soldered joints. Depending on the results, clients may choose to substitute some of the productโ€™s materials or make design changes to increase their level of thermal shock resistance.

Our Equipment

The dual-chambered thermal shock unit features a moving basket that carries the sample from the hot chamber to the cold chamber, allowing for a rapid temperature change. Our unit can produce temperatures variations between -60ยฐC and 170ยฐC to simulate condition changes as drastic and unforgiving as a client may require that their product endure.

The method varies slightly according to the requirements of the test material or electronic device. Although a client may request that we test their sample to a particular standard, most often component specifications and its application will determine the parameters of the test โ€” the maximum and minimum temperatures, how quickly the change occurs, and the number of cycles.

ATS and Thermal Shock Testing

ATS has continually provided unparalleled testing, engineering consulting, and inspection services to clients from many industries for over 50 years. Our environmental testing lab is staffed with specialists in their field, well equipped to handle client needs of any scope. These techniciansโ€™ expertise in performing the numerous methods that are encountered across a wide range of industries, and access to our powerful equipment allows ATS to return accurate, relevant results within customer desired time frames.

Whether for quality control or failure analysis, and either for the electrical industry or the military, ATS can help you determine your productโ€™s resistance to Thermal Shock.

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