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The Nadcap Accreditation is viewed as the โ€œpinnacleโ€ of accreditation within the technical services industry. Accreditation from Nadcap is a distinct honor, acting as the guarantee to ATSโ€™s mission in delivering high-quality services. The recognition of ATSโ€™s technical superiority in its abidance with the Nadcap accreditation standards allows ATS to obtain a strong position relative to other companies. For ATS, the Nadcap accreditation means being represented as an industry leader, looking forward to growing with clients seeking effective solutions.

Achieving Accreditation

For a company to receive one of the seventeen special process disciplines of Nadcap Accreditations, an audit process must be conducted to administer the industry in which the company is seeking accreditation in. A group of individuals from the Performance Review Institute (PRI), ranging from contractors to government representatives, monitor the specific Nadcap accreditation requirements within the industry. To ensure mishaps are addressed according to accreditation requirements, the group requires a five-step action plan in correcting responses observed during the audit process. ATS is delighted to operate underneath the accreditation requirements, as it assures ATS functions in accordance with Nadcap standards.

Opportunities for Advancement

Although the Nadcap Accreditation seeks to standardize โ€œspecial processesโ€ that are integral to the materials testing services offered by ATS, the accreditation ensures efficient practices are adopted to help increase client satisfaction. ATS strives to improve value enhancing activities to reach the best optimal solution. Operating under Nadcap accreditation standards allows ATS to maintain its commitment to quality, integrity, and professionalism.

About Applied Technical Services (ATS)

In 1967, ATS was established to help firms find necessary technical solutions to several engineering, testing, and inspection service problems. ATS seeks to help clients excel, with our experts inhibiting the traits of safety and professionalism to furnish a strong ethos of integrity within our line of work. ATS provides various services, including Metallurgical Analysis, Mechanical, and Weld Testing, Tank and Vessel Inspections, Fire Cause and Origin Investigations, and Chemical Analysis.

ATS Quality Assurance Programs

ATS seeks to satisfy necessary standards and practices to guarantee the needs of each client are considered with the utmost attention. Results of our services are provided on time, with clear insights. Testing and inspection services are performed in compliance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17025 standards to ensure domestic and international benchmarks are being met by such quality improvement processes.

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