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The Applied Technical Services (ATS) Family of Companies conducts conclusive hail damage roof inspections for clients who experience the effects of a hailstorm.

How Hailstones Form

Hail is solid precipitation consisting of balls or irregular lumps known as hailstones. Hailstone formation requires environments with strong, upward motions of air that accumulate in parent thunderstorms and lowered heights of freezing levels. Hailstones fall at higher speeds as their size grows. Complicated factors—such as melting, interaction with rain, interference from other hailstones, and friction with air—can slow hailstones as they descend to Earth. When the hailstones reach a particular size, they can cause damage to human-made structures.

The Effects of Hailstorms

Hail can result in either functional or cosmetic damage to properties. Functional hail damages affect the longevity and integrity of a roof, while cosmetic hail damages only affect its appearance. These damages can range from small cracks to significant splits and tears. Although hailstorms might not be devastating natural disasters, they have the potential to cause considerable damages that require costly repairs. The damage hailstorms cause depends on multiple factors, such as the size of the hail, speed and direction of the wind, material of the structure, age of the structure, slope of the roof, and quality of construction.

Understanding the Size of Hail and Its Impact

The size of hail indicates the extent of damage a roof obtains after a hailstorm. Though not the only factor in understanding the possible effects, it is a significant starting point.

Hail Sizes and Effects

3/4″ hail is the smallest size of hail that can cause property damage. Depending on the wind speed, it can cause harm to the gutters, windows, siding, paint on decks, and the granule surface of shingles.1″ hail may cause bruises to the underlayment of shingles. It can also cause harm to the gutters, siding, fascia, and other roof components. Wind speed is an essential factor in determining the extent of roof damage.

1 ¼” – 1 ½” hail can cause significant damage. The damage’s extent depends on the storm’s duration and wind speed.

1 ¾” – 2″ hail can not only pierce through the softer parts of a roof, but also tear off siding, break windows, crack tiles, and damage metal fixtures.2″ sizes and above of hail can be extremely serious, causing severe damage to properties. If this size of hail hits a property, it must undergo an emergency inspection and receive professional repairs.

How Hail Damage Roof Inspection Works

A property owner may need emergency repairs on their roof depending on the extent of the damage sustained during the hailstorm. Some signs of the storm are apparent, such as broken windows, missing tiles, or large dents. Licensed professionals will need to inspect the roof to gauge the severity of the damage. Once they assess the area, they can create an in-depth report of all their findings, deciding whether a client requires minimal repairs or a complete roof replacement.

Our Roof Damage Evaluations

Our team of experts inspects commercial roofing to determine the cause and origin of damages. We first identify whether the damage resulted from a construction defect, material failure, third-party contribution, or lack of maintenance. Once we find the cause, our team of experts will supply clients with a report outlining the extent of damage and the suggested method of repair.

Our Licensed Professionals

Our Family of Companies offers structural damage evaluations by our licensed team of Professional Engineers (P.E.s). Many of our engineers hold memberships with various organizations, such as the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) and the NAFE (National Academy of Forensic Engineers).

Contact Us

Contact the ATS Family of Companies today if you have questions or need to schedule a hail damage roof inspection.

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