Page for Posts: 47549
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The post type is: forensics
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Applied Technical Services’ organization of well-qualified professionals deliver textbook Natural Disaster Inspections and Investigation services to assist insurance companies and attorney firms. Through decades of experience gained since having initiated back in 1974, the ATS forensics team has earned a reputation for generating the highest quality, thorough and extremely accurate inspections and investigations for many cases. Due to the accessibility to go anywhere in the U.S. or abroad, our Marietta, GA based team can investigate mostly any natural disaster inspection or investigation.

Although most of the testing and inspections emerge from our headquarters facilities in Marietta, our inspection services and broad mobile capabilities include issues related to residential, commercial, industrial, vehicular, marine, and products liability. To fulfill the needs of our patrons, ATS experts use state-of-the-art equipment and technology and will provide a full comprehensive natural disaster inspection investigation with a speedy turnaround time.

Common inspection capabilities include:

  • Faro® Digital Scanner
  • IR Thermal Analysis
  • UAV (Drone) Aerial Photography
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