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Investigative Expertise Since 1974

Applied Technical Services’ team of professionals provide first-class fire cause investigation services. With years of experience dating back to 1974, our team has earned a reputation for executing the most thorough and accurate investigations for cases of any size. Though most laboratory testing occurs at our headquarters facility in Marietta, GA, our inspection services are available anywhere in the U.S. as well as abroad. With capabilities both in-house and on-site, our services span a wide variety of classifications including vehicular, marine, combine, product liability, residential, commercial, and industrial.

By utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and technology, our technicians can perform a fully comprehensive investigation with a quick turnaround time to meet the needs of our clients.

Common Capabilities Include

  • Digital and UAV (drone) scanning
  • 3D Computer Simulations
  • Crash Data Downloads (black box data retrieval)
  • Evidence Collection/Storage
  • Thermal Analysis
  • Chemical Analysis of Fire Debris
  • Arc Mapping
  • Failure Analysis/Metallurgy
  • Infrared Spectroanalysis (FTIR)
  • Forensic Scene Reconstruction
  • Evaluation of Products, Structures, and Services in Compliance with Fire Code

The ATS Difference

Due to the various systems of vehicles, vehicular fire investigations can often be more complex than structural fire investigations. Because of this, an exhaustive checklist that satisfies the requirements for vehicular chemical analysis is completed. Fluids are examined for evidence of excessive wear or contaminants that may indicate the possibility of arson. As with many cases of this nature, in the event of litigation, ATS investigators are always prepared to provide expert testimony in court.

Our Qualifications

When it comes to the examination of fire incidents, specialized training, experience, and skills are required. ATS has the highest qualified team of professionals in the field. Our staff includes forensic, mechanical, and electrical engineers. Our vehicle fire investigators are familiar with all vehicle types including cars, trucks, agricultural machinery, and mining equipment.

Ultimately, investigative results are only as good as the methods and data utilized in reaching those conclusions. A high degree of confidence is vital to reaching the final determination of fire causes. For this reason, quality assurance is of the utmost importance to ATS fire investigators.

Professional Standards

Our fire investigators earn their professional qualifications to meet the following national standards:

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