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Applied Technical Services is an industry-leading supplier of professional fire investigators in Atlanta, GA. Our investigative experts travel to the incident site to conduct thorough analyses of what human or component failures may be responsible. Every assignment is unique and requires the utmost attention to detail.

The services provided by our certified investigators include:

  • Structural Fire Analysis
  • Vehicle Fire Analysis
  • Marine Vehicle Analysis
  • Combines
  • Digital Scanning
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (drone) scanning
  • Evidence Collection and Preservation
  • Evidence Storage
  • Arc Mapping
  • Failure Analysis
  • Product Liability Evaluations and Testing
  • Structural Evaluations with Fire Code Compliance
  • Technical Reviews
  • Joint Inspections
  • Desktop Reviews
  • Scene Preservation
  • Theory Testing

Our UAV (drone) operators are certified by the Federal Aviation Administration Part 107. With the increased accessibility made possible through this cutting-edge technology, our fire investigators can observe incident sites from more vantage points than other fire investigators working solely or uniquely from the ground, resulting in a more comprehensive investigation.

Expert Testimony

Our experienced fire investigators conduct intensive on-site inspections of building structures to uncover the origin and responsibility of fire causes. Assignments requiring fire or forensic investigation often result in litigation. Therefore, ATS certified fire investigators offer expert testimony in a court of law and have done so since 1974 with the help of demonstrative evidence. Each project is approached with the expectation of our findings being investigated and examined in a court of law.

Quality Is Non-Negotiable

ATS fire investigators receive their certifications from the National Association of Fire Investigators and the International Association of Arson Investigators. Recertification is required of ATS investigators every five years. Our investigative teams are comprised of professional engineers, technicians, and investigators. By combining intricate skills with specialized experience and equipment, ATS professionals can take a closer look and collect evidence of any size related to fire incidents and other factors that may have caused them. This allows for definitive findings to help clients with their projects from start to finish.

Our certifications include:

  • Certified Fire Investigations
  • Certified Vehicle Fire Investigations
  • Certified Fire and Explosive Investigations

Standard and Certification Compliance

ATS experts maintain an unrelenting commitment to providing clients with the highest degree of quality and service. Our fire and forensic investigators realize quality improvement is an endless process and work to continuously set standards higher to ensure the most efficient and accurate results. All tests performed by ATS professionals are performed in accordance with the most stringent U.S. and international standards, satisfying nuclear, military, aerospace, and commercial requirements which including the following:

  • ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditations
  • ISO 9001:2015 registration
  • NAFI
  • NFPA 821 Guide
  • NFPA
  • IAAI
  • ASTM E620
  • ASTM E678
  • ASTM E860
  • ASTM E1188
  • ASTM E1459
  • ASTM E1492
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