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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) offers an in-depth level 1 thermography certification training course.

What is Level 1 Thermography Certification Training?

Level 1 thermography certification training is ideal for thermographers of all experience levels as it serves as a solid foundation for those with less experience and an effective refresher for more experienced professionals. The course consists of a general overview of physics and infrared energy, giving attendees a general understanding of the concepts that they’ll need to avoid beginner mistakes in the field.

Our Level 1 Thermography Certification Training

Our 32-hour thermography training class teaches attendees how to conduct thermographic inspections that produce accurate data that can be used in various applications, such as:

  • Condition monitoring
  • Nondestructive testing
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Quality assurance

The proven inspection methods discussed in our course will help attendees as they participate in hands-on challenges that simulate real-world situations. Upon completion of our training, students will be better equipped to face the challenges seen in the field and they’ll have the opportunity to make potential connections with their peers who are pursuing similar career paths.

How is Level 1 Thermography Certification Training Beneficial?

Thermography certification is an excellent opportunity for industry professionals to demonstrate their competency and commitment to infrared camera operations and thermal image interpretations. The credentials of thermography certifications are helpful for the following reasons:

  • Improving potential job prospects
  • Establishing a solid understanding of the fundamentals of thermographic technology
  • Enhancing your credibility when conducting thermographic inspections

Businesses gain a competitive advantage when their employees are properly trained. Employees with thermography certifications can help businesses do the following:

  • Improve their ability to conduct comprehensive thermographic inspection
  • Sustain their clients in their ability to provide high-quality service
  • Ensure that employees make informed decisions in the field

About the ATS Family of Companies

Founded in 1967, Applied Technical Services began as a small engineering firm offering services to local businesses. Over the decades, we’ve invested in our infrastructure, staff, and services, and today, we are a nationwide network of companies that deliver reliable and swift solutions to our clients.

For more information regarding our level 1 thermography certification training, please submit a web request form or call +1 (888) 287-5227

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