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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) offers reliability engineering courses that help businesses and professionals seeking to improve their understanding of reliability engineering practices. Our reliability engineering courses help professionals maintain their certification and licenses, helping them strengthen their knowledge and prepare them for career development opportunities.

What are Reliability Engineers?

A reliability engineer is a subject matter expert that uses their knowledge and experience in manufacturing and production to help businesses manage their equipment and improve their strategies. Reliability engineers are especially important in industrial settings where specialized machinery is needed to create products and ensure operational efficiency. The engineers help businesses avoid unnecessary mistakes that could otherwise result in costly errors.

Our Reliability Engineering Courses

We offer scheduled public courses at ATS facilities and private courses at our clients’ facilities, ensuring that our clients can enjoy training courses at their convenience. Our reliability engineering training courses include condition monitoring and mechanical integrity training sessions.

Condition Monitoring

  • Data collection using common diagnostic tools
  • Assessing diagnostic data
  • Executing corrective actions

Mechanical Integrity 

  • Visual inspections
  • Magnetic participle testing
  • UT thickness testing
  • Radiographic testing
  • Dye penetrant testing

The completion of our course earns participants a certification of completion that qualifies for professional development hours.

Why is Reliability Engineering Training Important?

Reliability engineers are an essential asset to companies as their expertise allows them to improve the reliability of various facets of an operation. Well trained reliability engineers can have an immediate and immense impact on a business’ bottom line as they eliminate losses, manage risks, and help ensure that equipment is functioning as expected.

Our Commitment to Quality

The ATS FoC employs highly trained engineers and various scientific professionals with experience in an expansive list of industrial applications. We specialize in inspection, testing, and consulting engineering services. Our multiple ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited labs feature the equipment needed to provide professional and prompt services that address our clients’ needs while also ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements. For more information about our reliability engineering courses, please complete an online request form, or call +1 (888) 287-5227 to learn more about our reliability engineering courses.

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