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Applied Technical Services’ trace metal analysis services detect, identify, and quantify the presence of metal contaminants in samples. Trace metals can negatively impact a product’s toxicity, quality, and safety, so manufacturers rely on analysis services to abide by legislation and regulations governing the presence of trace metals.

Why is Trace Metal Analysis Important?

Trace metals are essential to human, animal, and plant life at low concentrations but may become toxic at higher concentrations. These naturally occurring elements are present in various ingredients and materials and can impact the product or consumer if left untested. Consumer safety and environmental agencies regulate the presence of trace metals and require that manufacturers abide by the regulations to reduce the risk of harm to the public.
Trace metal analysis is standard in various industries, including:

  • Agriculture
  • Chemicals
  • Environment
  • Food
  • Petroleum
  • Pharmaceuticals

Our Trace Metal Analysis Services

Our highly trained technicians can evaluate the presence of trace metals down to the part per billion (ppb) using a method called inductively coupled plasma (ICP) testing. ICP testing is an extremely powerful and accurate research method capable of evaluating complex chemical and biological samples. Our metal analysis lab is ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (A2LA) accredited and capable of detecting various metals, including:

  • Aluminum
  • Arsenic
  • Beryllium
  • Cadmium
  • Cobalt
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Nickel
  • Platinum
  • Zinc

Our trace metal analysis services help address the following.

  • Contamination Identification
  • Sample Comparison
  • Quality Control
  • Regulatory Compliance

We conduct our trace metal analysis services in accordance with ASTM E1479 and any specifications or requests provided by our clients. Our services are prompt, and our technicians produce clear and concise reports detailing the results of our analysis for our client’s convenience.

About Applied Technical Services

Applied Technical Services provides professional consulting engineering, inspection, and testing services to clients in various industries worldwide. In our 55 years of business, we have continued to expand our operation by maintaining our core values of excellent service, professionalism, and employee safety. We remain committed to continuous improvement by adhering to international quality standards for our various departments and labs. Please contact us today for further details regarding our trace metal analysis services.

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