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ATS offers positive material identification and certification services also known as PMI Analysis and Certification Services. This Certification Service is critical to industries that are required to use high quality materials for manufactured products and components.

Material Qualification

The aerospace and nuclear industries are examples of enterprises that are often required to have product certification ensuring critical components are manufactured with the most reliable materials for durability, longevity, and safety.

Failure Analysis and Material Sorting

Often during the failure analysis process, it is necessary to positively identify the materials used during manufacturing to verify their conformance to specifications. If inferior materials are used, products may fail and cause personal injury or asset losses. To avoid potential forensic investigation or litigation, it is incumbent to verify your materials and/or manufacturing processes.

As it is a nondestructive test method and can be conducted on site, PMI is also a very convenient way of conducting verification and sorting of materials in case of mix-ups.

Improper Material Use Can Result In:

  • Thermal Damage
  • Corrosion
  • Fatigue Fractures
  • Overload Failures

Applied Technical Services PMI Analysis and Certification Services Applications Include:

Applied Technical Services Labs

Feel free to contact our lab for additional information regarding testing and PMI certification to meet federal and state regulatory requirements. ATS laboratory is accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), certificate number 1888.01 and 1888.02. Additionally, ATS is a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) accredited lab, our laboratory identification number is 1030.

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