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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) conducts construction materials testing to ensure that building materials are safe and reliable.

What are Construction Materials, and Why is Construction Materials Testing Important?

Construction materials, or building materials, are materials and substances used in construction. These materials can be naturally occurring, like wood, stone, clay, or synthetic, such as concrete, glass, metals, and plastics.

Building materials testing helps engineers and builders determine if their products and materials are of sufficient quality for specific construction projects. Construction materials testing is wide-ranging and an essential component of each stage of the construction process.

Chemical Testing

  • Metals Analysis
  • Formaldehyde Testing
  • Paint Analysis


  • Drone Roof Inspections
  • Rope Access Inspections
  • Scaffolding Inspections
  • Structural Evaluations

Environmental Testing

  • Color and Gloss Testing
  • Corrosion Testing
  • Paint Thickness Testing
  • Weathering Testing

Mechanical Testing

  • Load Testing
  • Tensile Testing
  • Weld Testing

Metallurgical Analysis

  • Failure Analysis
  • Microstructural Examinations

Nondestructive Testing

  • Radiography
  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
  • Visual Testing
  • Liquid Penetrant Testing
  • Ultrasonic Testing

Why do Businesses Need Construction Materials Testing Labs?

Construction materials are an essential component of construction projects, and builders rely on construction materials testing labs to verify the quality of their construction supplies. Our construction materials testing lab helps our clients do the following:

  • Adhere to industry standards and regulations
  • Ensure their materials are safe and durable enough for the desired application
  • Reduce the costs associated with material-related complications and work delays
  • Identify potential issues and mitigate issues

Our Commitment to Quality

The Applied Technical Services FoC provides professional testing, analysis, calibration, and consulting engineering services. Our ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 accredited facilities assist our clients in evaluating their products and materials, ensuring their safety, quality, and compliance with industry standards. Our staff works closely with clients to develop strategies that yield solutions to our clients’ needs and concerns. Please call +1 (888) 287-5227 for additional information regarding our building materials testing.

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