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Applied Technical Services conducts handrail testing to ensure compliance with building codes and industry standards.


ATS performs handrail testing to analyze the strength and maximum supported weight of railing systems. All handrail system testing must be done in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials’ Standard Test Methods for Performance of Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings, or ASTM E894, to assure industry standard compliance.

Testing Procedure

Handrail testing is performed with the use of hydraulic machinery that applies pressure to the handrail to simulate the conditions of standard railing system use. The weight is applied from multiple different angles to ensure that the railing is able to provide support in different scenarios. This testing consists of several different methods, including concentrated load tests, uniform load tests, and in-fill load tests.


ASTM E894, the test method for Anchorage of Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings, refers to the procedures that must be followed when testing railing system performance. ASTM E894 applies to the following railing systems and components:

  • Handrails
  • Guardrails
  • Ramp-rail Systems
  • Stair Railings
  • Wall Rails
  • Grab Rails
  • Transfer Rails

Applied Technical Services

Founded in 1967, Applied Technical Services has over five decades of experience as the nation’s premier industrial testing services provider. Our certified handrail testing experts utilize innovative technologies to maximize the value of our services, reducing client costs while ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction on every project. ATS is ISO 9001:2015 certified and ISO 17025 accredited by the A2LA, providing our clientele with accurate reporting and reliable data. Contact the proven industrial testing experts at ATS today to schedule your appointment.

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