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Applied Technical Services offers pressure decay leak testing to detect and quantify leaks in components with relatively small volumes. ATS’ methods are quick and highly effective. Our technicians have helped numerous companies over the years in the medical device, automotive, consumer goods, foundries and other industries with solutions to meet their specific leak testing needs.

Pressure Decay Leak Testing and How It Works

Our technicians follow meticulously documented procedures with the utmost attention to detail. In pressure decay leak testing, the part that is being tested is pressurized with air until it reaches a set pressure. The vessel is then isolated from the supply pressure and left for the conditions to stabilize.

After stabilization, time, test pressure, temperature, and barometric pressure are recorded. Pressure and temperature readings are then monitored for a prescribed time or until a certain loss of pressure is measured. From this data, the leak rate can be calculated based on the change in pressure over a certain period of time.

Pressure Decay Leak Testing Advantages

The advantage of the pressure decay method is that it is sensitive to small leaks and is also one of the simplest of the leak test methodologies. Our mechanical testing professionals are industry experts, utilizing innovative technology to deliver clear data by monitoring the pressure decay in vessels with superior accuracy. All measurements are obtained using calibrated equipment that is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

ATS’ Commitment to Quality

ATS technicians will work with you in providing specialized solutions. We are capable of performing pressure decay leak testing both in-house at our ISO 9001:2015 registered labs and in the field at your facility.

Our testing capabilities range from vacuum to 20,000 psig. Beyond leak testing, this allows us to provide you with testing on a wide variety of products from burst testing copper tubes to proof pressure testing of nuclear plant components.

Contact Us

If your company needs pressure decay leak testing to evaluate the effectiveness of your product or component, contact ATS today — we take a closer look!

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