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The Applied Technical Services (ATS) Family of Companies conducts radiation susceptibility testing to determine if electronic devices can endure the effects of space radiation.

Radiation Susceptibility

Radiation susceptibility describes the sensitivity of a material to undergoing a chemical or physical change due to space radiation. A device’s susceptibility depends on various factors, such as the type, energy, and number of irradiating particles per unit volume.
Testing providers find the radiation susceptibility of an electronic device through an array of methods. If the product does not pass testing, manufacturers must modify and retest the design until the device of interest receives approval from regulatory bodies, such as the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).

Why Radiation Susceptibility Testing Is Essential

Electronic devices can malfunction or completely fail when serving in harsh radioactive environments like space. Radiation can affect all types of equipment, ranging from rockets to satellites to space probes. Even entire space systems can suffer from the cumulative effects of total ionizing dose (TID), single event effects (SEEs), enhanced low dose rate sensitivity (ELDRS), or displacement damage dose (DDD). Radiation susceptibility testing is essential in protecting electrical equipment from the constant hazards of space radiation.

How Radiation Susceptibility Testing Works

Experts at radiation testing facilities load materials and components with an array of electromagnetic particles to identify any signs of weakness. Afterward, they conduct the appropriate testing methods, allowing manufacturers to select the materials that will make their products less susceptible to particle strikes and charging during the rad-hard process.

Our Radiation Susceptibility Testing Services

Our radiation testing experts help manufacturers plan and develop mitigation strategies by simulating a space environment in our cleanroom laboratory. When testing electronic devices for radiation susceptibility, experts look at both short-term and long-term radiation effects.
Our experts expose electronic components and systems to types of space radiation they may encounter during a mission. Appropriate testing will help manufacturers identify any necessary changes in design, materials, or both. Once identified, a product can undergo modifications and retesting to determine whether the enhancement was successful.

Lab Capabilities

  • ASTM F 1192
  • MIL-STD 750 and 883: TM 1080, 1023, 1021, 1020, 1019, and 1017
  • EIA/JESD57
  • ESCC 25100
  • ESCC 22900

Quality Protocols and Standards

We provide both in-house and onsite testing capabilities, offering our clients a full range of engineering support. Our strict standards for quality encompass common measurement standards, safety, reliability, and logistical system alignment. We adhere to Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) guidelines, standards, and methodologies pertaining to radiation susceptibility testing on electrical equipment in aerospace applications.

Contact Us

Space exploration and transportation are reaching a new era with the increased involvement of private testing companies. Contact the Applied Technical Services (ATS) Family of Companies if you need radiation susceptibility testing today!

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