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Applied Technical Services’ (ATS’) Family of Companies conducts total ionizing dose effects testing at our world-renowned laboratories and testing facilities.

The Effects of Total Ionizing Dose

Understanding total ionizing dose effects can be challenging due to the many different sources of space radiation. These sources include the Van Allen radiation belt (protons and electrons trapped inside Earth’s orbit near its magnetic field), galactic cosmic rays, and solar flare particles. Solar events such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections can significantly affect several different types of electrical equipment. These events occur when electrons, protons, and heavy ions reach Earth and orbit electrical equipment such as satellites. The effects of high-energy exposure depend on a number of factors, including the type of radiation and materials, device structure and function, and interaction rate.Total ionizing dose effects include the creation of dangling polymer bonds, resulting in chain scission or cross-linking that can cause embrittlement or elasticity loss. These effects can appear as parametric degradation in electronic devices, leading to complete functional failure that includes threshold voltage shifts at different locations and magnitudes. Shifts like these can alter how electronics function over time, whether activated or deactivated.

Total Ionizing Dose Effects Testing

Radiation testing is necessary for identifying a device’s susceptibility to total ionizing dose effects. This type of testing aims to determine the threshold at which component performance finds the parameter variations over the total dose and does not meet the requirements for operation.Total ionizing dose effects on electronic equipment can be detrimental to manufacturers in the aerospace industry, and component malfunction in these electronics can lead to catastrophic failure.

Radiation Testing at ATS’ Family of Companies

Mitigating ionizing radiation effects begins by properly evaluating space electronics for possible effects associated with radiation. ATS’ Family of Companies radiation testing experts will perform various tests to ensure the safety and reliability of integrated components and circuits designed to operate in aerospace applications. Our advanced radiation laboratory offers both in-house and remote testing capabilities. We also provide sample preparation using mechanical grind, chemical tech, and thinning to 35 microns with verification.

Quality Standards and Specifications

All Applied Technical Services’ Family of Companies adhere to radiation testing standards that ensure our laboratories and testing facilities comply with all relevant standards set by authorities such as the Defense Logistics Agency. Our clients have confidence in their electrical equipment meeting quality and compliance standards, including logistical system alignment, safety, reliability, and common measurement standards. ATS features lab suitability for MIL-STD 750 and 883: TM 1017, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1023, and 1080, ASTM F 1192, EIA/JESD57, ESCC 22900, and ESCC 25100.

Contact Us

Contact the radiation testing experts at ATS’ Family of Companies today by calling 1 (888) 287-5227 or click here to request a free quote or schedule total ionizing dose effects testing.

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