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The ATS (Applied Technical Services) Family of Companies provides space radiation testing to ensure effective electrical equipment for our clients’ aerospace missions.

What Space Radiation Is

Space radiation contains atoms that strip away electrons as they accelerate in space at speeds nearing the speed of light. Over time, only the nucleus will remain. There are three types of space radiation–particles inside Earth’s magnetic field, particles shot through space by solar Particle events (such as solar flares), and the heavy ions and high-energy protons produced outside this solar system (galactic cosmic rays). Each of these types of space radiation is ionizing radiation.

What the Effects on Electronic Equipment Are

Electrical equipment can malfunction when met with space radiation, sometimes resulting in the total failure of satellites, space probes, and rockets. Even the most well-built space systems degrade over time due to the cumulative effects of TID (total ionizing dose) and DDD (displacement damage dose). Though they can endure the impact of degradation for a while, the electrons and protons will eventually force them to lose functionality. SEEs (single event effects) can also be destructive and increase mission risks.

Single Event Effects

SEEs (single event effects) occur when heavy protons or ions pass through semiconductor components and deposit energy. While this phenomenon can prove either destructive or nondestructive, it ultimately threatens space missions with high-energy electrical disturbances during a circuit’s regular operation.

How Space Radiation Testing Works

There are ways to alleviate the risks that space radiation poses. Before sending them into space, manufacturers should evaluate their electrical equipment with an experienced testing company specialized in using space radiation testing to verify the reliability of their product. This testing discipline determines how integrated components and circuits function. It also demonstrates that electrical equipment and operating systems can continue serving in harsh radiation environments, such as space.

Our Space Radiation Testing Services

Our Family of Companies offers various testing methods for manufacturers to verify the reliability of their electrical equipment before sending it into space. While working with our Family of Companies, manufacturers gain access to our space radiation effects specialists. Our engineers work closely with manufacturing teams to locate electrical, optical, or thermal solutions that enable products to perform properly while in space.

Our Space Radiation Testing Lab

We maintain state-of-the-art instruments that replicate space radiation effects, and the environments they produce allow our engineers to adequately evaluate every risk that could occur before an aerospace project launches. Furthermore, we provide turn-key test solutions—from drafting RFPs to delivering data analysis to presenting final reporting.

Quality Assurance

Our Family of Companies is a leading provider of space radiation testing. We staff a world-renowned team of engineers and scientists who follow strict DLA methods when performing space radiation testing. We provide our clients with space radiation effects analysis and testing, exceeding expectations for integrity, reliability, and quality while adhering to industry standards.

Contact Us

Contact the ATS Family of Companies today if you are interested in space radiation testing.

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