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Applied Technical Services provides a training and certification course for candidates seeking recognition as a SPRAT level 1 rope access technician. Rope access is an in-demand work-at-heights skill that allows workers freedom of movement and safe access to elevated work areas.

SPRAT, also referred to as the Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians, is the administrative body that generates industry-consensus standards defining the safety procedures and best practices for the rope access trade. This group, made up of prominent companies and technicians from within the industry, also certifies candidates as rope access technicians to guarantee they have met certain levels of proficiency and achievement in their field.

ATS offers SPRAT-compliant training courses to both newcomers who want to attain initial certification at the beginning of their rope access careers, as well as industry veterans seeking recertification to continue their work. Those that pass our course will gain SPRAT certification, acknowledging them as qualified rope access technician.

What to Expect

SPRAT Level 1 Certification

By earning certification through the ATS rope access program, candidates will be trained to work in accordance with the standards and techniques of SPRAT, the Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians. SPRAT is an organization that establishes industry-recognized rope access standards in North America and is mainly composed of prominent companies as well as experienced technicians who operate in this field. Most rope access technician employers only consider personnel that hold a certification with either SPRAT or its European counterpart IRATA.

About This Course

Course Outline

SPRAT recognizes three defined levels of rope access competence and achievement, each holding increased training and experience requirements for qualification. SPRAT Level 1 is the first of these levels and is open to enrollment for any individual above the age of 18. There are few prerequisites to pursuing a level 1 certification, as no prior experience with rope access work is necessary. Level 1 Technicians perform basic rope access functions under the direct management of either a level 2 or 3 supervisor and can achieve qualification for a level 2 course after 500 hours of documented work. Once certified to levels 2 or 3, rope access technicians will have the ability to overlook work sites and perform a wider range of operations on their own.

ATS’ SPRAT level 1 training classes are taught by our training coordinator Bill Putnam, an experienced technician who holds SPRAT Level III certification. Mr. Putnam structures this rope access course to offer a comprehensive rope access training experience, which consists of four hands-on practice sessions. For the first four days, students will learn how to properly use and maintain rope access equipment following SPRAT regulations. Candidates will receive training in our controlled indoor training facility, receiving lessons in how to tie knots, combine anchorages, and follow safety protocol.

By the end of training, you will know:

Familiarity with:

  • Their role in rope access operations
  • How to observe safety considerations such as jobsite evaluations and procedures
  • How to efficiently tie a variety of knots used for rope access techniques
  • How to rig two types of anchorage systems
  • How to rig and operate a hauling and lowering system

How to properly use, are for, and maintain access equipment such as:

  • Ascenders
  • Descenders
  • Backup Devices
  • Rope and Sling Protection

How to perform a variety of movement techniques on rope, such as:

  • Passing Knots
  • Changeovers
  • Transferring from one rope to another
  • Deviation
  • Re-Anchoring
  • Horizontal Aid Climbing
  • Negotiating Edge Obstructions

Meet Your Instructors

Learn from the best instructors

  • Brandon Powers Headshot

    Brandon Powers

    Senior Instructor | SPRAT / IRATA Level III
  • Travis Young Headshot

    Travis Young

    Senior Project Manager | SPRAT Level III
  • Ben Johnson Headshot

    Ben Johnson

    Training Coordinator | SPRAT / IRATA Level III
  • Danny Smith Headshot

    Danny Smith

    Operations Coordinator | SPRAT Level III | Instructor



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