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Applied Technical Services (ATS) offers Computed Tomography Scanning for clients looking to test and evaluate their products. Scanning via computed tomography (CT) is one of the most reliable and comprehensive non-destructive testing methods available. Three-dimensional CT scans can be utilized in countless ways, whether to aid a company with forensic and failure analysis services or assist in the evaluation of internal characteristics of a component.

In computed tomography scanning, an object is analyzed inside a machine by an X-ray emitter that scans the subject. An imaging panel then collects projected X-ray data and sends it to a computer, which converts the data into several thousand cross-sectional images of the scanned object to yield a 3D model. Thanks to recent technological advancements that have increased computer processing power, computed tomography scanning has become an efficient way to locate and take volumetric measurements of structural flaws in sample components.

Testing Capabilities

ATS’ experienced CT Technicians conduct all our computed tomography scanning services. These testing experts use industry-leading analysis tools to produce accurate, precise inspection results.

Our industrial CT scanning equipment includes:

  • Northstar Imaging X5000
    • Minifocus 450kV X-ray Machine (0.016” Focal spot at 3mA)
      • Dual energy capability with 225kV Microfocus X-ray Machine (As low as 0.0002” Focal size based on voltage)
  • Multi Axis Manipulator (x, z, tilt, rotation), able to support up to 250 lb
    • CT System scans with spiral acquisition in order to scan elongated objects that cannot fit within a single exposure
    • Resolution of manipulator angle is 0.001 of a degree
  • Zeiss Metrotom 1500, 225kV micro-focus
    • Annual A2LA calibration
      • Certified to accuracy within 4.5 microns
    • 50 kg (110 lb) weight limit
    • Analysis volume up to 300 mm (11.75 in) diameter x 600 mm (23.6 in) high

Applied Technical Services – A Reliable Testing Provider

ATS has been a reputable provider of testing, inspection, and consulting engineering services for over 50 years. Since 1967, our company has expanded across both national and global markets, cultivating an excellent reputation for uncovering facts in Materials Testing, Nondestructive Testing, Metallurgy, Chemical Analysis, Fire and Explosion Investigations, and Forensic Analysis. ATS uses our computed tomography scanning capabilities to serve clients in a variety of industries, including those in the fields of aerospace, automotive, defense, healthcare, manufacturing (both conventional and additive methods), and nuclear energy.

ATS Labs and Lab Experts Deliver Quality Assurance

All of ATS’ CT Technicians work in accordance with our stringent Quality Assurance program. We employ a variety of personnel — including well-trained technicians, scientists, chemists, investigators, metallurgists, and Professional Engineers in several disciplines — who are experienced in conducting tests and inspections that comply with the applicable standards of the various industries we serve.

ATS is committed to the following policies:

  • Employ Qualified and Engaged Personnel
  • Conduct Testing and Inspections in Accordance with Applicable Standards
  • Provide Clear and Accurate Data
  • Deliver All Professional Services in A Timely Manner
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