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The forensic investigative department serves a wide variety of industries including insurance adjusters, attorneys, and manufacturers.

In terms of forensics investigations, preserving the quality of an accident scene or the evidence contained within isn’t just important – it’s critical. Our 3D Laser site scanning service is a relatively recent advancement that allows professionals to create real-time, 3D models of environments (accidents or fire scenes) using a series of scans that measure critical characteristics such as distance and spatial relations, in the most accurate way possible.

The Advantages and Benefits

One of the major benefits of 3D laser scanning services ultimately comes down to the fact that it uses technology to quickly and accurately collect dimensions and data that would otherwise be difficult and costly to collect. Consider the example of a vehicle accident reconstruction, where under normal circumstances it would be necessary for investigative professionals to enter an active roadway in order to perform their normal duties. With 3D laser scanning services, they have the ability to collect and capture millions of data points concerning the accident site. After the scans are processed, the distances between items of interest within the scans can be accurately measured.

3D Laser scanning services also help speed up the progress of an investigation, which ultimately saves costs for the client. The time and resources to capture millions of accurate data points would be cost prohibitive for almost all investigations. ATS is able to capture millions of data points for accident reconstruction, burned structures or vehicles, as well as industrial accident sites and equipment. The captured data not only allows our investigators to measure items of interest within the scans, but the data captured in the scans is a permanent record of the evidence. Over time the evidence changes, such as: skid marks fade away at an accident scene, a burned structure is demolished, or an industrial accident site and its equipment are no longer available. Without the proper documentation of the evidence, most investigations are not able to be accurately completed.

Finally, the biggest benefit of all in terms of 3D laser scanning services is that it provides complete, comprehensive and actionable documentation as quickly as possible. Not only does it provide accurate measurements of an entire area, but it also provides more valuable data that can eventually be used in a court of law.

The ATS Approach

At Applied Technical Services LLC, we understand just how important accurate data is to your forensic investigation. This is a large part of the reason why we offer our 3D laser scanning services to a wide range of industries including insurance adjusters, manufacturers, forensic experts, and attorneys. All of our highly trained and passionate accident investigators and forensic specialists not only hold multiple certifications, but they are also trained to provide expert witness testimony in a court of law.

ATS’ Forensics Division offers a wide variety of services including:

If you are a business leader looking for a trusted partner to handle any and all of your 3D laser scanning services needs, you have come to the right place – please call Applied Technical Services, LLC today for more information.

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