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Why Forensic Fire Investigations Are Necessary

Legal clients and insurance adjustors sometimes need experts like those in the Applied Technical Services (ATS) Family of Companies to conduct in-depth forensic fire investigations. These highly trained investigators are ready to analyze the property and evaluate any damages from the scene of a fire. Forensic fire investigations inspect every fire-related incident after firefighters extinguish a fire. Investigators closely surveys damages at the scene to identify their origin and cause, concluding whether they are natural, accidental, or deliberate. Establishing these facts is essential in ensuring that similar events do not occur again. Furthermore, experts need to conduct legal investigations in the instance of an intentional fire.

Hazards That Increase Risk Factors of Fires

  • Structural collapse
  • Heated materials
  • Damaged electronics
  • Damaged gas mains
  • Asbestos
  • Debris
  • Dangerous combustion materials
  • Other toxic substances

How Forensic Fire Investigations Work

Forensic fire investigations allow inspectors to conduct a dynamic risk assessment to determine whether the scene of a fire is safe. The assessment begins with an external examination of the scene, identifying any entry points. Inspectors will survey the area to preserve any evidence that needs documentation then produce a plan to obtain any possible items of interest. They will turn off all gas and electricity before moving onto the scene of a fire. All individuals must wear protective clothing such as hard hats, thick gloves, fire-resistant overalls, and steel-capped boots when working on an investigation.

Types of Forensic Fire Investigations We Offer

Structural fire investigations provide in-depth fire damage reports on commercial and residential properties to establish the origin and cause of a fire. They conclude whether the fire resulted from lack of maintenance, material, equipment, appliance failure, construction defect, third party contribution, or arson.

Equipment and automotive investigations locate the origin and cause of any equipment and automotive fires. They conclude whether the fire results from improper repair or service, improper use, manufacturing defect, lack of maintenance, or arson.

Vehicle theft investigations occur if a vehicle connects back to a fire. The investigators will be able to determine if someone broke into the theft deterrent system or identify any other possible method of entry.

About Our Team of Experts

Our team of experts offer quality forensic fire investigations, including conclusive findings and repair recommendations. We conduct in-depth investigations and produce rigorous peer reviews. Furthermore, we supply clients with photos and diagrams detailing the fire’s effects on their items.

Quality Assurance

The ATS Family of Companies strictly adheres to the rules and regulations of each state’s authoritative engineering board, staffing licensed professional engineers (P.E.s) to investigate every fire-related incident.

Contact Us

Contact the ATS Family of Companies if you need to schedule forensic fire investigations today!

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