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Equipment failure analysis exposes the cause of equipment malfunction after an incident. For heavy machinery and critical systems, every moment of operation counts. Failure grinds your normal production to a halt—even worse, it can result in injury or fatality, litigation, and insurance company fees.

Hire an ATS professional engineer to find out the cause of the damage and the party liable for injury and losses. Our engineers evaluate various mechanical and electrical equipment, including the following:

  • Construction equipment (cranes)
  • Elevators and escalators
  • Farm equipment
  • Industrial equipment (forklifts, pumps, hydraulics)
  • Marine equipment
  • Oil and gas equipment
  • Safety guarded equipment

Our Experts in Equipment Failure Analysis

ATS holds rigorous requirements for our professional engineers, so our evaluators must meet the following conditions before they can conduct evaluations:

  • Complete a four-year degree in engineering or a related field
  • Hold a Professional Engineering License
  • Pass comprehensive exams
  • Work for a licensed engineer for at least four years
  • Continue their education and training

Heavy Equipment Damage Evaluation

Our professional engineers evaluate equipment for damages, identify equipment failure causes, and provide support during repairs and litigation. The damage evaluation determines the cause of the failure to identify the responsible party.Common causes of machine or equipment failure include:

  • Design or manufacture defect
  • Improper service or repair
  • Lack of maintenance
  • Improper use
  • Ignoring safety procedures and signage

As part of the equipment failure analysis, the engineer surveys the site for contributing factors. During this phase, the engineer tests equipment function and takes samples for laboratory testing. The most common testing samples are fluid samples and electrical component samples. If the failure analysis requires a wider scope, the engineer may perform a full mechanical evaluation.

Injury Evaluation

If the equipment failure caused personal injury, the forensic analysis includes an injury evaluation. Our engineer will look for the component responsible for the injury and identify contributing factors. Injury investigations provide information for legal and insurance dealings if the injured party sues for damages.

For instance, after a slip, trip, and fall injury, our engineers can test the traction between the walkway surface and the shoe material of the injured party. Our English XL VIT tribometer allows us to simulate the human gait on a slip-resistant surface.

After the equipment failure analysis, our engineers can provide expert witness testimony. Additionally, we evaluate contractor bids for repairs and provide other inspection services as needed.Our related inspections include:

  • HVAC system evaluation
  • Smart home inspection
  • Water heater damage investigation

About ATS and Family Companies

ATS and our national family of companies support our clients with detailed research and fact-finding tests for comprehensive reports. We serve customers in commercial property, construction, manufacturing, and other industries.

We value our reputation as an innovative consulting firm, so we evolve our processes to meet new scientific and safety standards. We are ISO/IEC 17025:2017(A2LA) accredited in electrical, mechanical, and nondestructive testing.

Our engineers also check for compliance with health and safety standards, including:

  • ADA
  • OSHA
  • NFPA 70 (National Electrical Code)

Contact Us

Call +1 (888) 287-5227 for equipment failure analysis from a licensed and experienced professional engineer. ATS offers full-service support to entrepreneurial businesses to ensure their safety and code compliance.

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