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Arson and Fire Investigations

Fires often char or incinerate the immediate evidence of their causes, but an IAAI Certified Fire Investigator (CFI) from ATS has the expert training to identify trace evidence and accelerants behind a blaze. Arson and fire investigations aim to uncover where the fire originated and its cause so those affected can begin to rebuild their losses with insurance coverage and legal support. ATS has successfully investigated fires in:

  • Commercial buildings
  • Electric wiring
  • Heavy equipment
  • Residential properties
  • Vehicles

What is IAAI-CFI?

The International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) fuels cutting-edge research on intentional fires. As a global authority on fire investigations, the IAAI ensures all CFIs undergo training on indicators of intentional and accidental fires, fire flow, arc mapping, explosions, and how to recognize fire patterns. Additionally, CFIs gain a thorough understanding of NFPA standards, such as:

  • NFPA 921
  • NFPA 1021
  • NFPA 1033
  • NFPA 1037

The IAAI-CFI certification is the culmination of years of education and work experience. Achieving certification is proof of a recipient’s commitment to fire safety, the newest investigation techniques, and measurable standards. All CFIs must complete professional training, have work experience, score 70% or higher on a comprehensive exam, and recertify every five years.

Fire Investigations

When called to a fire scene, a CFI from ATS will record and document the undisturbed site before collecting evidence with the proper protocol for identification and storage. Throughout an investigation, a fire investigator may uncover evidence such as accelerants, tire marks, and footprints. ATS can also consult eyewitness accounts and emergency service reports.

Our forensic experts use a scientific approach to origin and cause investigations for accurate and credible results. If the cause is not immediately known, we can determine the underlying cause of the fire, often:

  • Appliance or equipment failure
  • Arson
  • Construction defect
  • Lack of maintenance
  • Material failure
  • Third-party

Finally, a CFI writes a comprehensive report that clients may use to support insurance claims, litigation, product recalls, and fire prevention procedures.

Additional Support

The devastating losses from a fire may require additional evaluations and repairs. ATS can support clients with other services, including:

Innovative Technology and Lab Capabilities

Fire investigations require a rapid response to identify and preserve evidence before clearance. While toxic fumes, tight spaces, and fused debris were once obstacles to a fire investigation, modern technology allows ATS to discover, preserve, and examine data in innovative ways. We may use tools such as the FARO 3D laser scanner to preserve the scene’s layout or X-rays to penetrate charred and melted materials.

About ATS

ATS was founded in 1967 near Atlanta, Georgia. Today, we provide consulting engineering, calibration, inspection, and testing services to clients nationwide. Our services empower industries such as insurance, legal, healthcare, manufacturing, and commercial property construction. We have partnered with innovative companies across the U.S. to form a family of companies for local support.

With over fifty years’ experience as an organization, we have built a reputation for quick responses, high-quality customer service, and in-depth analysis. Industry leaders such as A2LA and NADCAP have accredited our lab to perform materials and nondestructive testing methods. We run a Quality Management System certified by ISO 9001:2015. To learn more about our accreditations, click here.

Contact Us

Call +1 (888) 287-5227 or complete the form on this page to request the services of an IAAI Certified Fire Investigator from ATS.

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